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Estimation of vapor pressure of liquid oxygen between the triple and critical points

Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, May 1997, 14(3), 209-212(4), 10.1007/BF02706097
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The existing vapor pressure measurements available in the literature for the liquid oxygen between the triple and critical points have been utilized to establish the constants and exponent of the modified Frost-Kalkwarf vapor pressure equation in the reduced form as follows:
ln Pγ = 6.372408 - 6.637925/Tγ + 0.265517Tγ5
In order to calculate the vapor pressure, only the normal boiling point(Tb=90.180 K) and the critical pressure (Pc=5037.17kPa) and critical temperature (Tc=154.33 K) are necessary to obtain an overall average deviation of 0.36% for 540 experimental vapor pressure data.


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