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Approach from Physicochemical Aspects in Membrane Filtration

Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, September 1997, 14(5), 347-353(7), 10.1007/BF02707050
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In membrane filtration, solution environment factors such as pH and solvent density are important in controlling the filtration rate and the rejection of the particles and/or the macromolecules. The filtration rate and the rejection in membrane filtration have been investigated from physicochemical aspects. It was shown that the properties of the filter cake formed on the membrane surface play a vital role in determining the filtration rate in membrane filtration. It was clearly demonstrated that such filtration behaviors as the filtration rate and the rejection are highly dependent on the electrical nature of the particles and/or the macromolecules. Furthermore, it was shown that the solvent density ρ has a large effect on the steady filtration rate in upward ultrafiltration.


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