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Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, January 1998, 15(1), 1-8(8), 10.1007/BF02705298
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The causes of coke formation during petroleum refining are only now beginning to be understood. They are closely related to the mechanism of the thermal decomposition of the petroleum constituents and to changes in the character of the liquid medium. It was formerly believed that coke formation was a polymerization reaction whereupon the chemical precursors to coke immediately formed macromolecules when subject to the processing temperatures. This is not so. And it is the initial stages of the thermal decomposition which determine the ultimate path of the reaction. Coke formation is a complex process involving both chemical reactions and thermodynamic behavior. Reactions that contribute to this process are cracking of side chains from aromatic groups, dehydrogenation of naphthenes to form aromatics, condensation of aliphatic structures to form aromatics, condensation of aromatics to form higher fused-ring aromatics, and dimerization or oligomerization reactions. Loss of side chains always accompanies thermal cracking, and dehydrogenation and condensation reactions are favored by hydrogen deficient conditions.


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