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A Composite Catalytic Polymer Membrane Reactor Using Heteropolyacid-Blended Polymer Membrane

Department of Chemical Engineering, Seoul National University, Shinlim-dong,Kwanak-ku, Seoul 151-742, Korea 1Department of Industrial Chemistry, Kangnung National University, Kangnung,Kangwondo 210-702, Korea
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, May 2000, 17(3), 280-283(4), 10.1007/BF02699040
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The vapor-phase MTBE decomposition was examined in a shell and tube-type catalytic membrane reactor (CMR). 12- Tungstophosphoric acid(PW) was used as a catalyst and poly-2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene oxide (PPO) was used as a polymer material. A single-phase CMR (PW-PPO/Al2O3, type-1) and a composite CMR(PW-PPO/PPO/Al2O3, type-2) were successfully designed and characterized. It was revealed that the single-phase PW-PPO/Al2O3 showed perm-selectivities for reaction products. The selective removal of methanol through the catalytic membrane shifted the chemical equilibrium toward the favorable direction in the MTBE decomposition. The PW-PPO/PPO/Al2O3 showed the better preformance than PW-PPO/Al2O3. The enhanced performance of PW-PPO/PPO/Al2O3 CMR was due to the intrinsic perm-selectivity of PW-PPO and the additional separation capability of sub-layered PPO membrane.


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