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Attrition characteristics of Alumina Catalyst for Fluidized Bed Incinerator

Department of Environmental Eng., Taejon University, 96-3 Yong woon Dong, Taejon, Korea 1Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daeduck Science Town, P.O. Box 5, Taejon, Korea
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, May 2000, 17(3), 284-287(4), 10.1007/BF02699041
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Attrition characteristics of alumina catalyst for catalytic incineration have been studied in a fluidized bed cold mode combustor (Φ10cm, 160cm height). The particle size and density of alumina catalyst were 1.4-1.7mm and 1.13g/㎤. As operating variables, excess gas velocity (U-Umf) and bed weight (Wb) were selected. The experimental results show that attrition rate of alumina catalyst increased with excess gas velocity and bed weight due to intensive rubbing and collision caused by bubble coalescence. The size of the entrained particles collected in cyclone ranges over 0.5 to 100㎛, and the mean size for number base increases with an increase of excess gas velocity.


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