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Received December 24, 2001
Accepted February 15, 2002
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Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching of Pb(ZrxTi1- x)O3 Thin Films in Cl2/C2F6/Ar and HBr/Ar Plasmas

Department of Chemical Engineering, Inha University, 253 Yonghyun-Dong, Nam-Ku, Incheon 402-751, Korea
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, May 2002, 19(3), 524-528(5), 10.1007/BF02697167
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Pb(ZrxTi1- x)O3 thin films were etched in an inductively coupled plasma by using various etch gases such as Cl2/Ar, C2F6/Ar, Cl2/C2F6/Ar and HBr/Ar. The etch rates and etch profiles for each etch gas were investigated. Fast etch rates were obtained in chlorine-containing etch gases (e.g., Cl2/Ar and Cl2/C2F6/Ar), and clean and steep etch profiles were achieved in Cl2/C2F6/Ar or HBr/Ar gases. The gas mixture of Cl2 and C2F6 was proposed to give a fast etch rate and a steep sidewall angle of etched patterns. The optimum gas mixture of Cl2/C2F6/Ar was found by varying the gas ratio of Cl2 to C2F6. On the other hand, HBr/Ar gas as an alternative for etching of the Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3 films was examined. Cl2/C2F6/Ar and HBr/Ar etch gases were compared with respect to etch rate, etch profile and electrical properties.


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