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Received July 2, 2001
Accepted February 15, 2002
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Preparation of BaO-PbO-Nd2O3-TiO2 Powders by Hydrothermal Synthesis

School of Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology, Ajou Univ., Suwon 442-749, Korea
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, July 2002, 19(4), 688-693(6), 10.1007/BF02699319
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Homogeneous and nano-sized BPNT [(Ba1-xPbx)Nd2Ti5O14] powders were prepared under various hydrothermal conditions. Crystallinity and homogeneity of the synthetic powders were investigated. The microwave dielectric properties of the filters prepared with hydrothermal powders were compared with those of the filters prepared with conventional powders. The microwave dielectric properties of the filter prepared with the hydrothermal powders were also better than those of the filter manufactured with the conventional powders. The dielectric constant, quality constant and temperature coefficient of resonance frequency of hydrothermally prepared filter under optimum condition and measured at 3.5 GHz around were about 93, 6067 and 0 ppm/℃, respectively.


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