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Received April 12, 2002
Accepted July 26, 2002
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Effect of Impurities in Phosphoric Acid on the Granulometery of the Produced DAP(Di-ammonium Phosphate) in Petrochemical Plants

Chemical Engineering Department, I.U.S.T, P.O.Box 15875-4786, Tehran, Iran
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, November 2002, 19(6), 928-931(4), 10.1007/BF02707213
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The influence of impurities in phosphoric acid on the granulometery of the produced DAP was experimentally investigated in a petrochemical plant. It was found that DAP granulometery can be substantially improved as the total concentration of aluminum and iron oxides in the phosphoric acid is increased up to 2.2±0.1 wt%. A correlation was proposed for predicting the DAP granulometery in terms of total concentrations percent of (Al2O3+Fe2O3) in the phosphoric acid.


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