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Received February 11, 2004
Accepted June 1, 2004
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Energy Dissipation Rate and Pressure Fluctuations in a Three Phase Fluidized Bed with a Large Column Diameter
Department of Chemical Engineering, Woosuk University, Chonbuk 565-701, Korea
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, September 2004, 21(5), 1066-1071(6), 10.1007/BF02705594
The effects of liquid (0.02-0.10 m/s) and gas (0.0-0.10 m/s) velocities and particle size (1.0, 2.3, 3.0 mm) on the pressure fluctuations and energy dissipation rate in three phase fluidized beds were determined in a large column (0.376 m-I.D.x2.1 m high). The standard deviation of pressure fluctuations and energy dissipation rate increase with gas and liquid velocities but, decrease in the radial direction of three phase fluidized beds. The energy dissipation rate was well correlated with dimensionless groups as: Ed=16.788Frl0.183Frg0.139(1-ψ)0.442+1.265Frg0.143 Re0.181
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