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Received January 9, 2006
Accepted June 27, 2006
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Solubility of piperonal in different pure solvents and binary isopropanol+water solvent mixtures
College of Chemical Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, China 1YiBin JianZhong Perfume Co., Ltd, 644000, China
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, November 2006, 23(6), 1034-1036(3), 10.1007/s11814-006-0026-y
Using a laser monitoring observation technique, the solubilities of piperonal in different pure solvents and binary isopropanol+water solvent mixtures were determined by synthetic method from 273.15 K to 293.15 K. Results of these measurements were correlated by Apelbat equation and the combined nearly ideal binary solvent (CNIBS)/Redlich-Kister equation. The results find that Apelbat equation and the combined ideal binary solvent (CNIBS)/Redlich-Kister equation provided accurate mathematical representations of the experimental data, respectively.
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