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Received August 30, 2006
Accepted October 21, 2006
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Characteristic modes and flow structure of non-premixed flame in humid-air combustion
School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200030, China
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, March 2007, 24(2), 354-360(7), 10.1007/s11814-007-5046-8
An experimental study has been performed in order to determine the effect of humidity on the flow field and the flame stability limit in turbulent non-premixed flame. Two-dimensional Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measurements were made to quantify the velocity field, with and without steam injected. The results indicate the addition of steam decreases the recirculation flow and reduces the distance between the forward and aft stagnation points. The detailed stabilization regimes show that the critical fuel-to-air velocity ratios of the central fuel penetration in the humid air case are 16% to 22% lower, and the partially quenching limits are at least 25% lower. The decreased penetration limit is due to a reduction in momentum of the humid air. An analysis of flamelet concepts reveals that increased chemical reaction time leads to lower partially quenching limits in the humid air combustion.
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