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Received August 30, 2006
Accepted January 11, 2007
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Effect of operating conditions on gas components in the partial coal gasification with air/steam

Education Ministry Key Laboratory of Clean Coal Power Generation and Combustion Technology, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, July 2007, 24(4), 698-705(8), 10.1007/s11814-007-0029-3
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With increasing environmental considerations and stricter regulations, coal gasification, especially partial coal gasification, is considered to be a more attractive technology than conventional combustion. Partial coal gasification was conducted in detail under various experimental conditions in a lab-scale fluidized bed to study the factors that affected gas components and heating value, including fluidized air flow rate, coal feed rate, and steam feed rate, gasification temperature, static bed height, coal type and catalyst type. The experiment results indicate that gasification temperature is the key factor that affects components and the heating value of gas is in direct proportion to gasification temperature. There exists a suitable range of fluidized air flow rate, coal feed rate, steam feed rate and static bed height, which show more complex effect on gas components. High rank bitumite coal is much more suitable for gasification than low rank bitumite coal. The concentrations of H2, CO and CH4 of bitumite coal are more than those of anthracite coal. Compounds of alkali/alkaline-earth metals, such as Ca, Na, K etc., enhance the gasification rate considerably. The catalytical effects of Na2CO3 and K2CO3 are more efficient than that of CaCO3.


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