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Received April 29, 2006
Accepted February 9, 2007
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Effect of air flowrate on particle velocity profile in a circulating fluidized bed
Fuel Research Center, Department of Chemical Technology, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, 10330, Thailand
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, September 2007, 24(5), 851-855(5), 10.1007/s11814-007-0053-3
The research was conducted in a cold flow circulating fluidized bed (CFB). The diameter and height of riser are 5 and 200 cm, respectively. The objective is to study effect of gas velocity on hydrodynamic of glass beads having mean diameter of 547 micron and density of 2,400 kg/m3. The measurement of particle velocity profile was achieved by using a high-speed camera and an image processing software. A probe of 0.5 cm in diameter was inserted into the riser at the height of 110 cm from gas distributor and was set at 3 positions along the radius of the riser; 0, 0.6, and 1.8 cm from center. Transport velocity (Utr), core-annulus velocity (VCA) and minimum pneumatic velocity (Vmp) were employed in determining solid flow pattern in the riser. It was observed that the flow regimes changed from fast fluidization to core-annulus and to homogeneous dilute bed when the gas velocities increased from 7, 8 and 9m/s, respectively. The results from high-speed camera showed that glass beads velocity existed a maximum value at the center of the riser and gradually decreased toward the wall for all three gas velocities. It was also found that most of solid traveled upward in the core of the riser, however, solid traveled downward was identified at the wall layer.
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