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Received June 28, 2007
Accepted September 11, 2007
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Cellular automata modeling of continuous stirred tank reactors

Division of Advanced Materials, IPICyT, Apartado Postal 3-74, Tangamanga, 78231 San Luis Potos´i, S.L.P., Mexico 1Faculty of Chemical Sciences, University of Colima, Coquimatl´an, Col., Mexico
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, May 2008, 25(3), 461-465(5), 10.1007/s11814-008-0078-2
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The classical dynamical systems model of continuous stirred tank reactors (CSTR) in which a first order chemical reaction takes place is reformulated in terms of the stochastic cellular automata procedure developed in the works of Seyborg [2] and Neuforth [3], which is extended by including the feed flow of chemical reactants. We show that this cellular automata model is able to simulate the dilution rate and the mixing process in the CSTR, as well as the details of the heat removal due to the jacket. The cellular automata approach is expected to be of considerable applicability at any industrial scale and especially for any type of microchemical system.


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