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Received August 1, 2007
Accepted April 13, 2008
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VLE calculation of carbon dioxide+n-alkanes binary mixtures with MHV2 mixing rule

Department of Chemical Engineering, Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, November 2008, 25(6), 1483-1485(3), 10.1007/s11814-008-0244-6
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Vapor-liquid equilibria for binary and asymetric systems include carbon dioxide+C1-C8, C10 are calculated by using the Peng-Robinson-Stryjek-Vera equation of state coupled with the modified MHV2 mixing rule. The modified UNIFAC model is used for determining activity coefficient and excess Gibbs free energy. Calculated equilibrium pressures and mole fractions in vapor phase are compared with the experimental data. The average absolute deviation percent (AAD%)s indicates that the error involved in the application of the MHV2 mixing rule by optimized q1 and q2 is less than WS and PRSK mixing rules in most cases.


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