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Received February 27, 2008
Accepted June 13, 2008
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Biological leaching of nickel and cobalt from lateritic nickel ore of Sukinda mines
Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (CSIR), Bhubaneswar, Orissa-751013, India 1Department of Botany, Kalyani University, West Bengal-741235, India
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, January 2009, 26(1), 108-114(7), 10.1007/s11814-009-0017-x
Abstract.In the present study lateritic nickel ore was used for bacterial leaching using a mixed consortium of mesophilic acidophiles. The microorganisms were adapted to 1 gram nickel/L prior to leaching. For the experiments, lateritic ore in different forms such as raw, roasted, roasted ore presoaked in dilute sulphuric acid and palletized pretreated roasted (400 ℃ and 600 ℃) ore were taken. The leaching experiments were conducted in 9 K+ with 40 L capacity bioreactor_x000D_
using 10% (v/v) inoculum concentration at 10% (w/v) pulp density. The aeration was maintained at 2-3 L/min and the speed of agitator and temperature at 400-500 rpm and 35 ℃. The maximum extraction of nickel and cobalt was observed with pretreated ore (600 ℃) at 10% pulp density (77.23% and 73.22%) respectively within 31 days at pH 1.5 and least extraction in case of raw ore i.e., 9.47% nickel and 41.12% cobalt respectively.
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Oolman T, Biohydrometallurgical technologies, Torma AE, Wiley JE, Lakshmanan VI Eds., The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, 2, 401-415 (1993)
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Olanipekun EO, International Journal of Mineral Processing, 60, 9 (2000)
Sukla LB, Das RP, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 40, 351 (1987)
Drobner E, Huber H, Stetter KO, Applied Environmental Microbiology, 56, 2922 (1990)
Ingledew WJ, Biochem. Biophys. Acta., 683, 89 (1982)
Gomez JM, Caro I, Cantero D, Journal of Biotechnology, 48, 147 (1996)
Mason LJ, Rice NM, Minerals Engineering, 15, 795 (2002)
Li HM, Ke JJ, Hydrometallurgy, 61, 151 (2001)
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Valix M, Tang JY, Cheung WH, Minerals Engineering, 14, 1629 (2001)
Zeissink HE, Mineral Deposita., 4, 132 (1969)
Castro IM, Fietto JLR, Vieira RX, Tropia MJM, Campos LMM, Paniago EB, Brandao RL, Hydrometallurgy, 57, 39 (2000)
Bosecker K, Proceedings of the 6th international symposium on biohydrometallurgy, Vancouver, B. C., Canada., August 21-24, 367 (1985)
Tzeferis PG, Agatzinin-Leonardou S, Hydrometallurgy, 36, 345 (1994)
Valix M, Tang JY, Malik R, Minerals Engineering, 14, 499-5-5 (2001)
Valix M, Usai F, Malik V, Minerals Engineering, 14, 197 (2000)
Valix M, Usai F, Malik V, Minerals Engineering,, 14, 205 (2000)
Rossi G, Eds, Murr L, Torma A, Brierley J, New York: Academic Press, 297-318 (1979)
Sukla LB, Kar RN, Panchanadikar VV, In: Recent trends in biotechnology, edited by Ayyana C, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi., 128-131 (1993)
Alibhai K, Leak D, Dudeney AWL, Agatzian S, In Proceedings of Mineral Processing, Engineering Foundation of USA, Santa Barbara, July, 191-204 (1992)
Rawlings DE, (ed), Biomining, Springer, Berlin (1997)
Bull AT, Korean J. Chem. Eng., 18(2), 137 (2001)
Mishra M, Singh S, Das T, Kar RN, Rao KS, Sukla LB, Mishra BK, Korean J. Chem. Eng., 25(3), 531 (2008)
Dew DE, Buren VC, McKewan K, Bowker C, In: Amils, Ballester R, A (eds). Biohydrometallurgy and the environment toward the mining of the 21st century, part A, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 229 (1999)
Oolman T, Biohydrometallurgical technologies, Torma AE, Wiley JE, Lakshmanan VI Eds., The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, 2, 401-415 (1993)
Mohapatra S, Bohidar S, Pradhan N, Kar RN, Sukla LB, Hydrometallurgy, 85, 1 (2007)
Sukla LB, Das RP, Transactions of the Institute of Mineral and Metallurgy. Sect. C, C53-55 (1986)
Olanipekun EO, International Journal of Mineral Processing, 60, 9 (2000)
Sukla LB, Das RP, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 40, 351 (1987)
Drobner E, Huber H, Stetter KO, Applied Environmental Microbiology, 56, 2922 (1990)
Ingledew WJ, Biochem. Biophys. Acta., 683, 89 (1982)
Gomez JM, Caro I, Cantero D, Journal of Biotechnology, 48, 147 (1996)
Mason LJ, Rice NM, Minerals Engineering, 15, 795 (2002)
Li HM, Ke JJ, Hydrometallurgy, 61, 151 (2001)
Malhotra S, Tankhiwale AS, Rajvaidya AS, Pandey RA, Bioresour. Technol., 85(3), 225 (2002)
Silverman MP, Lundgren DG, J. Bacteriology, 77, 642 (1959)
Posnjak E, Merrwin HE, Journal of American Chemical Society, 44, 1965 (1922)
Valix M, Tang JY, Cheung WH, Minerals Engineering, 14, 1629 (2001)
Zeissink HE, Mineral Deposita., 4, 132 (1969)