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Received December 6, 2007
Accepted August 18, 2008
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A comparison on predictive models of gas explosions
Department of Safety Engineering, Seoul National University of Technology, Seoul 139-743, Korea
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, March 2009, 26(2), 313-323(11), 10.1007/s11814-009-0054-5
A comparison on existing models of gas explosion predictions has been done. The advantages and drawbacks, and the possibilities and limitations of the different empirical, phenomenological, and computational fluid dynamics assessment models of gas explosions were discussed. Particular attention was paid to CFD models.
Puttock JS, Yardley MR, Cresswell TM, J. Loss Prev. Process Ind., 13(3), 419 (2000)
Cant RS, Dawes WN, Savill AM, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 36, 97 (2004)
Cooper MG, Fairweather M, Tite JP, Combustion and Flame, 65, 1 (1986)
Bradley D, Mitcheson A, Combustion and Flame, 32, 221 (1978)
Bradley D, Mitcheson A, Combustion and Flame, 32, 237 (1978)
Lunn GA, Health & Safety Executive Internal Report IR/L/DE/83/4, UK (1983)
NFPA, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA, USA (1998)
Molkov V, Dobashi R, Suzuki M, Hirano T, J. Loss Prev. Process Ind., 12(2), 147 (1999)
Molkov V, Dobashi R, Suzuki M, Hirano T, J. Loss Prev. Process Ind., 13(3), 397 (2000)
Solberg DM, Pappas JA, Skramstad E, 8th Symposium (International) on Combustion, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., 1607 (1981)
Yao C, J. of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 8, 1 (1974)
Cubbage PA, Simmonds WA, Trans Inst Gas Engng, 470 (1955)
Razus DM, Krause U, Fire Safety Journal, 36, 1 (2001)
Tang MJ, Baker QA, Process Saf. Prog., 18(4), 235 (1999)
Wiekema BJ, J. of Hazardous Materials, 3, 221 (1980)
Mercx WPM, Van den Berg AC, Process Safety Progress, 16, 152 (1997)
Van den Berg AC, J. of Hazardous Materials, 12, 1 (1985)
Van den Berg AC, Lannoy A, J. of Hazardous Materials, 34, 151 (1993)
Van den Berg AC, Versloot NHA, J. of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 16, 111 (2003)
CCPS, Centre for Chemical Process Safety, AIChE, New York, USA (1994)
CCPS, Centre for Chemical Process Safety, AIChE, New York, USA (1999)
Baker QA, Tang MJ, Scheier EA, Silva GJ, Process Safety Progress, 15, 106 (1996)
Baker QA, Doolittle CM, Fitzgerald GA, Tang MJ, Process Safety Progress, 19, 297 (1998)
Cates AT, Samuels B, J. of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 4, 287 (1991)
Puttock JS, 2nd European Conference on Major Hazards On- and Off-shore, Manchester, UK, 24-26 September (1995)
Puttock JS, Int. Conference and Workshop on Modeling the Consequence of Accidental Releases of Hazardous Materials, San Francisco, Sept-Oct (1999)
Cleaver RP, Humphreys CE, Morgan JD, Robinson CG, J. of Hazardous Materials, 53, 35 (1997)
Bray KNC, Libby PA, Moss JB, Combustion and Flame, 61, 87 (1985)
Puttock JS, Cresswell TM, Marks PR, Samuels B, Prothero A, HSE Offshore Technology Report, OTO 96 004 (1996)
Nehzat N, Ph.D. Thesis, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia (1998)
Lea CJ, Ledin HS, HSL Report, Health and Safety Laboratory, Buxton, UK (2002)
Hjertager BH, J. of Hazardous Materials, 34, 173 (1993)
Hjertager BH, Sæter O, Solberg T, 2nd Int. Specialist Meeting on Fuel-Air Explosions, Christian Michelsen Research a.s., Bergen, Norway, June 26 (1996)
Hjertager BH, Modelling Identification and Control, 5, 211 (1985)
Gardner DJ, Hulme J, Offshore Technology Report, Health and Safety Executive, UK (1994)
Sæter O, PhD. Thesis, Telemark College, Norway (1998)
Naamansen P, Ph.D. Thesis, Aallborg University, Denmark (2002)
Magnussen BF, Hjertager BH, 16th Int. Symposium on Combustion, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., 719 (1976)
Hjertager BH, University of Waterloo Press, Waterloo, Ont., SM study No. 16, 407 (1982)
Moen IO, Lee JHS, Combustion and Flame, 47, 31 (1982)
Chan C, Moen IO, Lee JHS, Combustion and Flame, 49, 27 (1983)
Hjertager BH, Modelling Identification and Control, 5, 211 (1985)
Pantankar SV, Spalding DB, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 15, 1787 (1972)
Hjertager BH, Solberg T, Nymoen KO, J. of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 5, 165 (1991)
Sæter O, Solberg T, Hjertager BH, 4th Int. Conference and Exhibition on Offshore Structures - Hazards, Safety and Engineering Working in the New Era, London, UK, 12-13 December (1995)
Sæter O, PhD. Thesis, Telemark College, Norway (1998)
Hoiset S, Hjertager BH, Solberg T, Malo KA, J. Hazard. Mater., 77(1-3), 1 (2000)
Arntzen BJ, Ph.D. thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway (1998)
Bjerketvedt D, Bakke JR, Van Wingerden K, J. of Hazardous Materials, 52, 1 (1997)
Bakke JR, Hjertager BH, Int. J. for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 24, 129 (1987)
Van den Berg AC, The HG, Mercx WPM, Mouilleau Y, Hayhurst CJ, 8th Int. Symposium, Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process Industries, Antwerp, Belgium, 6-9 June (1995)
Tam V, Moros T, Webb S, Allinson J, Lee R, Bilimoria E, J. Loss Prev. Process Ind., 9(5), 317 (1996)
van Wingerden K, Hansen OR, Foisselon P, Process Saf. Prog., 18(1), 17 (1999)
Spalding DB, 16th Int. Symposium on Combustion, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., 1657 (1977)
Bray KNC, Proceeding of the Royal Society of London, A431, 315 (1990)
Mercx WPM, Trans IChemE, 70, 197 (1992)
Mercx WPM, Johnson DM, Puttock J, Process Safety Progress, 14, 120 (1995)
Selby CA, Burgan BA, SCI-253, Steel Construction Institute, Ascot, UK (1998)
Hayhurst CJ, Robertson NJ, Moran KC, Clegg RA, Fairlie GE, 7th Annual Conference on Offshore Installations, London, December (1998)
Rogers MC, Barnes T, Fairlie GE, Littlebury K, Safety on Offshore Installations, London, November (1999)
Windhorst JCA, Int. Conference & Workshop on Risk Analysis in Process Safety, Atlanta, 21 October (1997)
Windhorst JCA, Int. Conference and Workshop on Modeling the Consequences of Accidental Releases of Hazardous Materials, San Francisco, California, 28 September-1 October (1999)
Mercx WPM, Van den Berg AC, Hayhurst CJ, Robertson NJ, Moran KC, J. of Hazardous Materials, 71, 301 (2000)
Fairweather M, Hargrave GK, Ibrahim SS, Walker DG, Combust. Flame, 116(4), 504 (1999)
Catlin CA, Fairweather M, Ibrahim SS, Combustion and Flame, 102, 115 (1995)
Green AR, Piper I, Upfold RW, Proc. 25th Int. Conference of Safety in Mines Research Institutes, Pretoria, 13-17 September, 59 (1993)
Green AR, Nehzat N, Proc. of The Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (1999)
Freeman DJ, Trans. IChemE, 73, 11 (1995)
Lea CJ, Freeman DJ, HSE Internal Report IR/L/FR/93/18, IR/L/GE/93/14, UK (1993)
Pritchard DK, Freeman DJ, Guilbert PW, J. Loss Prev. Process Ind., 9(3), 205 (1996)
Guilbert PW, Jones IP, HSE Contract Research Report, UK (1996)
Phylaktou K, Andrews GE, J. of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 6, 1 (1993)
Huld T, Peter G, Stadtke H, J. of Hazardous Materials, 46, 185 (1996)
Wilkening H, Huld T, 17th Int. Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Heidelberg, Germany 25-30 July (1999)
Clutter JK, Luckritz RT, J. Hazard. Mater., 79(1-2), 41 (2000)
Ibrahim SS, Masri AR, J. Loss Prev. Process Ind., 14(3), 213 (2001)
Masri AR, Ibrahim SS, Nehzat N, Green AR, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 21, 109 (2000)
Patal S, Ibrahim SS, Yehia MA, Hargrave GK, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 27, 355 (2003)
Masri AR, Ibrahim SS, Cadwallader BJ, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 30, 687 (2006)
Kirkpatrick MP, PhD thesis, The University of Sydney, Australia (2002)
Molkov VV, Makarov DV, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 84, 33 (2006)
Ciccarelli G, Fthenakis VM, Boccio JL, J. Loss Prev. Process Ind., 12(2), 157 (1999)
Madsen WW, Wanger RC, Process Safety Progress, 13, 171 (1994)
Kinsella PA, J. of Hazardous Materials, 33, 1 (1993)
Abdel-Gayed RG, Bradley D, Lawes M, Proceeding of the Royal Society of London, A414, 389 (1987)
Park DJ, Green AR, Lee YG, Chen YC, Combust. Flame, 150(1-2), 27 (2007)
Park DJ, Lee YS, Green AR, J. of Hazardous Materials, 153, 340 (2008)
Cant RS, Dawes WN, Savill AM, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 36, 97 (2004)
Cooper MG, Fairweather M, Tite JP, Combustion and Flame, 65, 1 (1986)
Bradley D, Mitcheson A, Combustion and Flame, 32, 221 (1978)
Bradley D, Mitcheson A, Combustion and Flame, 32, 237 (1978)
Lunn GA, Health & Safety Executive Internal Report IR/L/DE/83/4, UK (1983)
NFPA, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA, USA (1998)
Molkov V, Dobashi R, Suzuki M, Hirano T, J. Loss Prev. Process Ind., 12(2), 147 (1999)
Molkov V, Dobashi R, Suzuki M, Hirano T, J. Loss Prev. Process Ind., 13(3), 397 (2000)
Solberg DM, Pappas JA, Skramstad E, 8th Symposium (International) on Combustion, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., 1607 (1981)
Yao C, J. of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 8, 1 (1974)
Cubbage PA, Simmonds WA, Trans Inst Gas Engng, 470 (1955)
Razus DM, Krause U, Fire Safety Journal, 36, 1 (2001)
Tang MJ, Baker QA, Process Saf. Prog., 18(4), 235 (1999)
Wiekema BJ, J. of Hazardous Materials, 3, 221 (1980)
Mercx WPM, Van den Berg AC, Process Safety Progress, 16, 152 (1997)
Van den Berg AC, J. of Hazardous Materials, 12, 1 (1985)
Van den Berg AC, Lannoy A, J. of Hazardous Materials, 34, 151 (1993)
Van den Berg AC, Versloot NHA, J. of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 16, 111 (2003)
CCPS, Centre for Chemical Process Safety, AIChE, New York, USA (1994)
CCPS, Centre for Chemical Process Safety, AIChE, New York, USA (1999)
Baker QA, Tang MJ, Scheier EA, Silva GJ, Process Safety Progress, 15, 106 (1996)
Baker QA, Doolittle CM, Fitzgerald GA, Tang MJ, Process Safety Progress, 19, 297 (1998)
Cates AT, Samuels B, J. of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 4, 287 (1991)
Puttock JS, 2nd European Conference on Major Hazards On- and Off-shore, Manchester, UK, 24-26 September (1995)
Puttock JS, Int. Conference and Workshop on Modeling the Consequence of Accidental Releases of Hazardous Materials, San Francisco, Sept-Oct (1999)
Cleaver RP, Humphreys CE, Morgan JD, Robinson CG, J. of Hazardous Materials, 53, 35 (1997)
Bray KNC, Libby PA, Moss JB, Combustion and Flame, 61, 87 (1985)
Puttock JS, Cresswell TM, Marks PR, Samuels B, Prothero A, HSE Offshore Technology Report, OTO 96 004 (1996)
Nehzat N, Ph.D. Thesis, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia (1998)
Lea CJ, Ledin HS, HSL Report, Health and Safety Laboratory, Buxton, UK (2002)
Hjertager BH, J. of Hazardous Materials, 34, 173 (1993)
Hjertager BH, Sæter O, Solberg T, 2nd Int. Specialist Meeting on Fuel-Air Explosions, Christian Michelsen Research a.s., Bergen, Norway, June 26 (1996)
Hjertager BH, Modelling Identification and Control, 5, 211 (1985)
Gardner DJ, Hulme J, Offshore Technology Report, Health and Safety Executive, UK (1994)
Sæter O, PhD. Thesis, Telemark College, Norway (1998)
Naamansen P, Ph.D. Thesis, Aallborg University, Denmark (2002)
Magnussen BF, Hjertager BH, 16th Int. Symposium on Combustion, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., 719 (1976)
Hjertager BH, University of Waterloo Press, Waterloo, Ont., SM study No. 16, 407 (1982)
Moen IO, Lee JHS, Combustion and Flame, 47, 31 (1982)
Chan C, Moen IO, Lee JHS, Combustion and Flame, 49, 27 (1983)
Hjertager BH, Modelling Identification and Control, 5, 211 (1985)
Pantankar SV, Spalding DB, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 15, 1787 (1972)
Hjertager BH, Solberg T, Nymoen KO, J. of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 5, 165 (1991)
Sæter O, Solberg T, Hjertager BH, 4th Int. Conference and Exhibition on Offshore Structures - Hazards, Safety and Engineering Working in the New Era, London, UK, 12-13 December (1995)
Sæter O, PhD. Thesis, Telemark College, Norway (1998)
Hoiset S, Hjertager BH, Solberg T, Malo KA, J. Hazard. Mater., 77(1-3), 1 (2000)
Arntzen BJ, Ph.D. thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway (1998)
Bjerketvedt D, Bakke JR, Van Wingerden K, J. of Hazardous Materials, 52, 1 (1997)
Bakke JR, Hjertager BH, Int. J. for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 24, 129 (1987)
Van den Berg AC, The HG, Mercx WPM, Mouilleau Y, Hayhurst CJ, 8th Int. Symposium, Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process Industries, Antwerp, Belgium, 6-9 June (1995)
Tam V, Moros T, Webb S, Allinson J, Lee R, Bilimoria E, J. Loss Prev. Process Ind., 9(5), 317 (1996)
van Wingerden K, Hansen OR, Foisselon P, Process Saf. Prog., 18(1), 17 (1999)
Spalding DB, 16th Int. Symposium on Combustion, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., 1657 (1977)
Bray KNC, Proceeding of the Royal Society of London, A431, 315 (1990)
Mercx WPM, Trans IChemE, 70, 197 (1992)
Mercx WPM, Johnson DM, Puttock J, Process Safety Progress, 14, 120 (1995)
Selby CA, Burgan BA, SCI-253, Steel Construction Institute, Ascot, UK (1998)
Hayhurst CJ, Robertson NJ, Moran KC, Clegg RA, Fairlie GE, 7th Annual Conference on Offshore Installations, London, December (1998)
Rogers MC, Barnes T, Fairlie GE, Littlebury K, Safety on Offshore Installations, London, November (1999)
Windhorst JCA, Int. Conference & Workshop on Risk Analysis in Process Safety, Atlanta, 21 October (1997)
Windhorst JCA, Int. Conference and Workshop on Modeling the Consequences of Accidental Releases of Hazardous Materials, San Francisco, California, 28 September-1 October (1999)
Mercx WPM, Van den Berg AC, Hayhurst CJ, Robertson NJ, Moran KC, J. of Hazardous Materials, 71, 301 (2000)
Fairweather M, Hargrave GK, Ibrahim SS, Walker DG, Combust. Flame, 116(4), 504 (1999)
Catlin CA, Fairweather M, Ibrahim SS, Combustion and Flame, 102, 115 (1995)
Green AR, Piper I, Upfold RW, Proc. 25th Int. Conference of Safety in Mines Research Institutes, Pretoria, 13-17 September, 59 (1993)
Green AR, Nehzat N, Proc. of The Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (1999)
Freeman DJ, Trans. IChemE, 73, 11 (1995)
Lea CJ, Freeman DJ, HSE Internal Report IR/L/FR/93/18, IR/L/GE/93/14, UK (1993)
Pritchard DK, Freeman DJ, Guilbert PW, J. Loss Prev. Process Ind., 9(3), 205 (1996)
Guilbert PW, Jones IP, HSE Contract Research Report, UK (1996)
Phylaktou K, Andrews GE, J. of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 6, 1 (1993)
Huld T, Peter G, Stadtke H, J. of Hazardous Materials, 46, 185 (1996)
Wilkening H, Huld T, 17th Int. Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Heidelberg, Germany 25-30 July (1999)
Clutter JK, Luckritz RT, J. Hazard. Mater., 79(1-2), 41 (2000)
Ibrahim SS, Masri AR, J. Loss Prev. Process Ind., 14(3), 213 (2001)
Masri AR, Ibrahim SS, Nehzat N, Green AR, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 21, 109 (2000)
Patal S, Ibrahim SS, Yehia MA, Hargrave GK, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 27, 355 (2003)
Masri AR, Ibrahim SS, Cadwallader BJ, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 30, 687 (2006)
Kirkpatrick MP, PhD thesis, The University of Sydney, Australia (2002)
Molkov VV, Makarov DV, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 84, 33 (2006)
Ciccarelli G, Fthenakis VM, Boccio JL, J. Loss Prev. Process Ind., 12(2), 157 (1999)
Madsen WW, Wanger RC, Process Safety Progress, 13, 171 (1994)
Kinsella PA, J. of Hazardous Materials, 33, 1 (1993)
Abdel-Gayed RG, Bradley D, Lawes M, Proceeding of the Royal Society of London, A414, 389 (1987)
Park DJ, Green AR, Lee YG, Chen YC, Combust. Flame, 150(1-2), 27 (2007)
Park DJ, Lee YS, Green AR, J. of Hazardous Materials, 153, 340 (2008)