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Received June 11, 2008
Accepted September 18, 2008
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Optimization of citric acid production by Aspergillus niger NRRL 567 grown in a column bioreactor
1Department of Bioresource Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, McGill University, 21,111 Lakeshore, Ste Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, H9K 3V9, Canada 2Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Mt. 14-1 Nongseo-dong Giheung-gu, Youngin-si, Gyeonggi-do 446-712, Korea 3Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyonggi University, 94-6, Iui-dong, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon 443-760, Korea 4Faculty of Environmental and Biological Engineering, Shenyang Institute of Chemical Technology, Shenyang 110000, China
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, March 2009, 26(2), 422-427(6), 10.1007/s11814-009-0071-4
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Citric acid production using Aspergillus niger NRRL 567 grown on peat moss has been optimized in a column bioreactor using a statistically based method. A 2^(3) full factorial design with eight fermentation conditions was applied to evaluate significance on citric acid production and their interactions between variables, where the three independent variables evaluated were aeration rate, bed depth and temperature. Aeration rate and fermentation temperature were identified to be significant variables. Citric acid production markedly increases with aeration rate and fermentation temperature; however, the bed depth of solid substrate showed an insignificant effect on citric acid production. The optimum fermentation condition for citric acid production in a column bioreactor consisted of aeration rate of 0.84 vvm, bed depth of 22 cm and fermentation temperature of 32 ℃. Under a given condition, a maximum citric acid production of 120.6 g/l was predicted and matched well with the experimental value of 123.9 g/kg.
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de Medeiros SF, Avery MA, Avery B, Leite SGF, Freitas ACC, Williamson JS, Biotechnol. Lett., 24(11), 937 (2002)
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Barrington S, Choiniere D, Trigui M, Knight W, Bioresour. Technol., 83(3), 189 (2002)