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Received July 23, 2008
Accepted September 27, 2008
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Local resistance characteristics of highly concentrated coal-water slurry flow through fittings
School of Energy and Environment, Southeast University, Nanjing, 210096, China
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, March 2009, 26(2), 569-575(7), 10.1007/s11814-009-0097-7
The local resistance characteristics of high concentration coal-water slurry (CWS) flowing through three types of local fittings, namely the gradual contractions, sudden contractions and 90° horizontal elbows, were investigated at a transportation test facility. Results show that the local resistance loss of gradual contractions decreases as the contraction angle increases. When pipe diameter ratio varies little, local resistance loss of sudden contractions changes insignificantly. There is an optimal value of bend diameter ratio, at which the local resistance loss of horizontal elbows is the least. As Reynolds number increases, the resistance coefficients of all the three fittings first reduce and then stabilize, while the three pipes have different ratio of equivalent length to pipe diameter Le/D behaviors, that is, Le/D of the gradual contractions decreases gradually and then keeps stable; that of the sudden contractions diminishes at first and then increases, and that of the horizontal elbows increases linearly.
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