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Received May 8, 2008
Accepted January 25, 2009
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Electrochemical recovery of silver from waste aqueous Ag(I)/Ag(II) redox mediator solution used in mediated electro oxidation process

Department of Chemical Engineering, Sunchon National University, Sunchon 540-742, Korea
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, July 2009, 26(4), 1053-1057(5), 10.1007/s11814-009-0175-x
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The paper presents a process for the electrochemical recovery of silver(Ag) by electro deposition on the electrode surface from the waste solutions of Ag(I)/Ag(II) redox system in nitric acid medium used for the mediated electrochemical process. Electrochemical recovery was carried out in an undivided cell with DSA-O2 electrodes at room temperature condition. At an optimized current density of 12 A/dm2, 99% of Ag recovery efficiency was achieved with high yield and low energy consumption. Experimental runs were made in order to observe the performance of the Ag recovery process. The operating conditions like current density, temperature and Ag(I) concentration of the electrolyte, the acid concentrations, agitation rate and inter-electrode distance were optimized.


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