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Received January 14, 2009
Accepted March 10, 2009
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Optimization of the process parameters for an electrochemical preparation of strontium perchlorate
Central Electrochemical Research Institute (CSIR), Karaikudi 630006, India
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, September 2009, 26(5), 1246-1251(6), 10.1007/s11814-009-0224-5
The electrochemical preparation of strontium perchlorate, Sr(ClO4)2, from strontium chlorate employing platinum anode and a rotating stainless steel cathode is described. The effect of electrolyte concentration, current density, pH and temperature of the electrolyte and cathode rotation on current efficiency for the preparation of strontium perchlorate was studied. A maximum current efficiency of 42% was achieved corresponding to an energy consumption of 6.1 kWh. kg^(-1).
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Munichandraiah N, Sathyanarayana S, J. Electrochem. Soc., 17, 33 (1987)
Udupa HVK, Sampath S, Narasimham KC, Nagalingam M, Thiagarajan N, Subramanian G, Palanisamy R, Pushpavanam S, Sadagopalan M, Ind. J. Technol., 8, 458 (1970)
Ilin KG, Skripchenko VI, Sov. Electrochem., 3, 26 (1961)
Vasudevan S, Pushpavanam S, Mohan S, Narasimham KC, J. Appl. Electrochem., 22, 1201 (1992)
Pushpavanam S, Mohan S, Vasudevan S, Ravichandran S, Narasimham KC, Bull. Electrochem., 5, 364 (1989)
Pushpavanam S, Mohan S, Vasudevan S, Ravichandran S, Narasimham KC, Bull. Electrochem., 6, 422 (1990)
Vasudevan S, Mohan S, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 45(9), 2923 (2006)
Bennett CW, Mack EI, Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc., 29, 323 (1916)
Narasimham KC, Sundararajan S, Udupa HVK, Rocz Chem., 36, 685 (1962)
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Vasudevan S, Mohan S, Pushpavanam S, Narasimham KC, J. Appl. Electrochem., 22, 877 (1992)
Udupa HVK, Sampath S, Narasimham KC, Nagalingam M, Thiagarajan N, Govinda Rao P, Raju CJ, Chandran TJV, Kandasamy S, Subramanian G, Natarajan S, Subbiah P, Palanisamy R, Ind. Chem. Eng., 9, 28 (1967)
Linke, Solubilities, American Chemical Society, Washington D.C, USA (1967)
Kuhn AT, Chan CY, J. Appl. Electrochem., 13, 189 (1983)
Kudrayavstev NT, Yarlykov MM, Melnikova MM, J. Appl. Chem. USSR, 38, 554 (1965)
Deligianni H, Romankiw LT, A rotating pH electrode for measurement of surface pH during electrolysis; study of NiFe electrodeposition, Extended Abstracts, 90-2, The electrochemical society, fall meeting, Seattle, Washington (1990)