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Received November 23, 2008
Accepted February 6, 2009
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Surface modification and adsorption of eucalyptus wood-based activated carbons: Effects of oxidation treatment, carbon porous structure and activation method
School of Chemical Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima 30000, Thailand 1School of Chemistry, Institute of Science, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima 30000, Thailand
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, September 2009, 26(5), 1341-1352(12), 10.1007/s11814-009-0197-4
The incorporation of oxygen functional groups onto the surface of eucalyptus activated carbon and its surface chemistry were investigated as a function of oxidation conditions, carbon porous properties and carbon preparation method. Under all treatment conditions of increasing time, temperature and oxidant concentration, liquid oxidation with HNO3, H2O2 and (NH4)2S2O8 and air oxidation led to the increase of acidic group concentration, with carboxylic acid showing the largest percentage increase and air oxidation at the maximum allowable temperature of 350 ℃ produced the maximum content of both carboxylic acid and total acidic group. Nitric acid oxidation of chemically activated carbon produced higher total acidic content but a lower amount of carboxylic acid compared to the oxidized carbon from physical activation. The increased contents of acidic groups on oxidized carbons greatly enhanced the adsorption capacity of water vapor and heavy metal ions.
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Pesavento M, Profumo A, Alberti G, Conti F, Anal. Chim. Acta, 480, 171 (2003)
Lopez-Ramon MV, Stoeckli F, Moreno-Castilla C, Carrasco-Marin F, Carbon, 37, 1215 (1999)
Menendez JA, Phillips J, Xia B, Radovic LR, Langmuir, 12(18), 4404 (1996)
Barton SS, Evans MJB, Halliop E, MacDonald JAF, Carbon, 35, 1361 (1997)
Radovic LR, Silva IF, Ume JI, Menendez JA, Leon y Leon CA, Scaroni AW, Carbon, 35, 1339 (1997)
Jia YF, Thomas KM, Langmuir, 16(3), 1114 (2000)
Moreno-Castilla C, Lopez-Ramon MV, Carrasco-Marin F, Carbon, 38, 1995 (2000)
Montes-Moran MA, Suarez D, Menendez JA, Fuente E, Carbon, 42, 1219 (2004)
Jaramillo J, Gomez-Serrano V, Alvarez PM, J. Hazard. Mater., DOI:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2008.04.009 (2008)
Vinke P, Eijk M, Verbree M, Voskamp AF, Carbon, 32, 675 (1994)
Choma J, Burakiewicz-Mortka W, Jaroniec M, Li Z, Klinik J, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 214(2), 438 (1999)
Figueiredo JL, Pereira MFR, Freitas MMA, Orfao JJM, Carbon, 37, 1379 (1999)
Domingo-Garcia M, Lopez-Garzon FJ, Perez-Mendoza M, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 222(2), 233 (2000)
Goyal M, Rattan VK, Aggarwal D, Bansal RC, Colloids Surf. A, 190, 229 (2001)
Szymanski GS, Karpinski Z, Biniak S, Swiatkowski A, Carbon, 40, 2627 (2002)
Aggrarwal D, Goyal M, Bansal RC, Carbon, 37, 1989 (1999)
Strelko V, Malik DJ, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 250(1), 213 (2002)
Swiatkowski A, Pakula M, Biniak S, Walczyk M, Carbon, 42, 3057 (2004)
Xiao B, Thomas KM, Langmuir, 20(11), 4566 (2004)
Haydar S, Ferro-Garcia MA, Rivera-Utrilla J, Joly JP, Carbon, 41, 387 (2003)
Sato S, Yoshihara K, Moriyama K, Machida M, Tatsumoto H, Appl. Surf. Sci., 253(20), 8554 (2007)
Dubinin MM, Serpinsky MM, Carbon, 19, 402 (1981)
Kaneko K, Hanazawa Y, Iiyama T, Kanda T, Suzuki T, Adsorption, 5, 7 (1999)
Do DD, Do HD, Carbon, 38, 767 (2000)
Rodriguez-Reinoso F, Molina-Sabio M, Munecas MA, J. Phys. Chem., 96, 2707 (1992)
Morenocastilla C, Ferrogarcia MA, Joly JP, Bautistatoledo I, Carrascomarin F, Riverautrilla J, Langmuir, 11(11), 4386 (1995)
Jr. Strelko V, Malik DJ, Streat M, Carbon, 40, 95 (2002)
El-Sheikh AH, Talanta, 75, 127 (2008)
Ngernyen Y, Tangsathitkulchai C, Tangsathitkulchai M, Korean J. Chem. Eng., 23(6), 1046 (2006)
Klijanienko A, Lorence-Grabowska E, Gryglewicz G, Bioresour. Technol., 99, 7208 (2008)
Patnukao P, Pavasant P, Bioresour. Technol., 99, 8540 (2008)
Do DD, Adsorption analysis: Equilibria and kinetics, Imperial College Press, Singapore (1998)
Boehm HP, Adv. Catal., 16, 179 (1966)
Boehm HP, Carbon, 32, 759 (1994)
Rouquerol F, Rouquerol J, Sing K, Adsorption by powders and porous solids, Academic Press, London (1999)
Moreno-Castella C, Carrasco-Marin F, Maldonado-Hodar FJ, Rivera-Utrilla J, Carbon, 36, 145 (1998)
de la Puente G, Pis JJ, Menendez JA, Grange P, J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis, 43, 125 (1997)
Frenkel D, Smit B, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 248(1), 116 (2002)
Contescu A, Vass M, Contescu C, Putyera K, Schwarz JA, Carbon, 36, 247 (1998)
Cordero T, Rodriguez-Mirasol J, Tancredi N, Piriz J, Vivo G, Rodriguez JJ, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 41(24), 6042 (2002)
Birkett GR, Do DD, Mol. Phys., 104, 623 (2006)
Pesavento M, Profumo A, Alberti G, Conti F, Korean J. Chem. Eng., 25(4), 825 (2008)
Allen MP, Tildesley DJ, Computer simulation of liquids, Clarendon Press, Oxford (1987)
Frenkel D, Smit B, Understanding molecular simulation: From algorithms to application, Academic Press, San Diego (2001)
Steele W, Appl. Surf. Sci., 196(1-4), 3 (2002)
Do DD, Do HD, Adsorpt. Sci. Technol., 21, 389 (2003)
Dastgheib SA, Rockstraw DA, Carbon, 40, 1843 (2002)
Pesavento M, Profumo A, Alberti G, Conti F, Anal. Chim. Acta, 480, 171 (2003)