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Received August 4, 2009
Accepted August 25, 2009
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Acidity and acid catalysis of polyatom-substituted HnPW11M1O40 (M=V, Nb, Ta, and W) Keggin heteropolyacid catalysts

School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Institute of Chemical Processes, Seoul National University, Shinlim-dong, Kwanak-gu, Seoul 151-744, Korea 1Department of Chemical Engineering, Inha University, Incheon 402-751, Korea 2School of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering, University of Ulsan, Ulsan 680-749, Korea
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, February 2010, 27(2), 465-468(4), 10.1007/s11814-010-0082-1
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Acidity of polyatom-substituted HnPW11M1O40 (M=V, Nb, Ta, and W) Keggin heteropolyacids (HPAs) was measured by NH3-TPD experiments. Acidity decreased in the order of H3PW11W1O40>H4PW11V1O40>H4PW11Nb1O40>H4PW11Ta1O40. Vapor-phase dehydration of cyclohexanol was conducted as a model reaction to correlate the acidity with the acid catalysis of HPA catalysts. Yield for cyclohexene (a product by acid catalysis) increased with increasing_x000D_ acidity of HnPW11M1O40 (M=V, Nb, Ta, and W) HPA catalysts. The acidity of HnPW11M1O40 (M=V, Nb, Ta, and W) HPA catalysts could be utilized as a probe of acid catalysis for dehydration of cyclohexanol.


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