ISSN: 0256-1115 (print version) ISSN: 1975-7220 (electronic version)
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Received June 26, 2009
Accepted November 10, 2009
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Physical and thermal properties of acid-graphite/styrene-butadiene-rubber nanocomposites

NEXEN Tire corporation R&D Center, 30, Yusan-dong, Yangsan-si, Gyeongnam 626-230, Korea
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, July 2010, 27(4), 1296-1300(5), 10.1007/s11814-010-0178-7
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In general, carbon-based materials play a major role in today’s science and technology and are required to advance with better properties to meet new requirements or to replace existing materials. We fabricated rubber composites reinforced with 5-weight% acid-graphite. The structural, mechanical and thermal properties of these composites were studied and compared. XRD studies indicated that the structure of the acid treated pristine-graphite (acid-graphite)_x000D_ did not change that of pristine graphite. Tensile properties of the composites indicated higher modulus, tensile strength and elongation in comparison with composites of pristine graphite, carbon black. Also, the composites were found to be in improving tendency with thermal properties and fatigue properties. The acid-graphite was investigated for surface morphology by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and defects or purity by Raman spectroscopy. In this article, we discuss the influence of acid-graphite on rubber with high mechanical and thermal properties.


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