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Received August 14, 2009
Accepted February 6, 2010
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Measurement of infinite dilution activity coefficients of selected environmentally important volatile organic compounds in polydimethylsiloxane using gas - liquid chromatography

Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, P. O. Box 17011 2028, South Africa
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, September 2010, 27(5), 1509-1512(4), 10.1007/s11814-010-0262-z
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Silicon oil, chemically known as polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), is a high boiling point solvent highly suitable for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) absorption. To use PDMS as an absorption solvent for a specific waste gas problem, it is important to determine the infinite dilution activity coefficients of the VOCs to be separated with PDMS. This work reports activity coefficients at infinite dilution of 13 VOCs in polydimethysiloxane determined by the dynamic gas liquid chromatographic technique. The measurements were carried out at various temperatures (303.15, 313.15, 323.15., 333.15, 353.15, 373.15, 393.15 and 423.15 K). Four PDMS polymers with average molecular weight ranging from 760 to 13,000 were used as solvents. A control column packed by Perkin Elmer to our specifications was used to validate the coating and packing methods. Flow rate dependence of the elution peaks was also investigated by varying it from 10-50 ml/min. Precision was improved by reproducing the results using columns with different liquid_x000D_ loading, thus also studying the retention mechanism. The results compare well with the data from previous work using simple headspace and UNIFAC predictions and literature values. The successful comparison gives an indication of the GLC as a rapid, simple and accurate method for studying the thermodynamics of the interaction of a volatile solute with a nonvolatile solvent.


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