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Received January 12, 2010
Accepted February 25, 2010
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Design, construction and operation of lab scale cylindrical steam assisted gravity drainage model for heavy oil recovery

Green Chemistry Division, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT), Daejeon 305-600, Korea 1Petroleum Technology Institute, Korea National Oil Corporation (KNOC), Anyang 431-711, Korea
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, November 2010, 27(6), 1718-1724(7), 10.1007/s11814-010-0276-6
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Based on a theoretical background [1,2], a lab scale cylindrical SAGD (steam assisted gravity drainage) model was designed, constructed and operated. There are six different parts in the apparatus: (1) water supplier, (2) steam generator, (3) SAGD cylindrical model, (4) cooling system, (5) constant pressure maintaining system and (6) production system. Temperature, pressure and steam injection rate were controlled by computer, and product (mixture of oil and water) was collected/separated manually. Extra heavy oil (<10 cp at 200 ℃) and glass bead (diameter 1.5 mm) were mixed homogeneously for making porosity of 0.3 and applied for simulating oil sand. For obtaining optimum operation conditions of SAGD apparatus, several attempts were made. When the steam at high temperature (160-180 ℃), high pressure (8-9 atm) was injected with 20-25 cc/min, cSOR (cumulative steam to oil ratio) of about 5 was obtained_x000D_ with oil recovery of 78.8%.


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