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Received November 17, 2009
Accepted June 30, 2010
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Premixed filtration combustion of micron and sub-micron particles in inert porous media: A theoretical analysis

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Combustion Research Laboratory, Iran University of Science and Technology, Narmak, Tehran 16844, Iran
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, February 2011, 28(2), 461-469(9), 10.1007/s11814-010-0371-8
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An analytical model for one-dimensional premixed filtration combustion of volatile fuel particles-air mixture is presented. It is presumed that fuel particles first vaporize and a gaseous fuel with definite chemical structure is formed, which is subsequently oxidized in the gas phase. Flame structure is considered in the three zones. In the preheating vaporization zone, the mixture is heated until it reaches ignition temperature. In the reaction zone, the combustible mixture burns and the post flame zone is occupied by the combustion products. The temperature and mass fraction profiles are obtained of gaseous fuel in these three zones at a semi-infinite inert porous media. Thereafter, the effects of various parameters such as gas velocity, porosity, fuel particles diameter, number density of fuel particles, and heat of chemical reaction on the temperature and mass fraction profiles are investigated.


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