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Received November 13, 2010
Accepted May 18, 2011
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Biosorption of chromium onto Erythrina Variegata Orientalis leaf powder
Gannavarapu Venkata Vamsi Aditya
Bhagavatula Padma Pujitha
Nalluri Chitti Babu
Department of Chemical Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam 530003, India 1Principal, PVP Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada 520007, India
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, January 2012, 29(1), 64-71(8), 10.1007/s11814-011-0139-9
The biosorption of chromium from an aqueous solution onto Erythrina Variegata Orientalis leaf powder was investigated in batch operations. The equilibrium agitation time was 180min. The extent of chromium biosorption increased from 74.2% to 86.4% with decrease in biosorbent size from 150 to 45 μm for a dosage of 30 g/L. The biosorption decreased from 99.1 (0.45 mg/g) to 45.5% (1.64 mg/g) with an increase in chromium initial concentration(Co) from 22.5 to 180 mg/L. The extent of biosorption was maximum at pH=3. The experimental data were well explained by Langmuir and Redlich-Peterson isotherm models. The biosorption data followed second-order kinetics with a rate constant of 0.078 g/mg-min for 50 g/L of 45 μm size biosorbent. The biosorption was exothermic and feasible. The biosorption was tending towards irreversibility with increasing temperature.
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Web site of Central Pollution Control Board:
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Gupta S, Babu BV,, Adsorption of chromium (VI) by a lowcost adsorbent prepared from tamarind seeds, Paper presented at CHEMCON-2006, India.
Loukidou MX, Zouboulis AI, Karapantsios TD, Matis KA, Colloids and Surfaces, A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects., 242, 93 (2004)
Rohinikumar P, Venkateswara Rao M, Chittibabu N, Ravikumar PV, Venkateswarlu P, Ind. J. Chem. Technol.., 16, 308 (2009)
Garg VK, Gupta R, Kumar R, Gupta RK, Bioresour. Technol., 92(1), 79 (2004)
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Tunali S, Kiran I, Akar T, Miner. Eng., 18, 681 (2005)
Bhattacharya KG, Sharma A, J. Hazard. Mater., B113, 97 (2004)
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Lagergren S, K. Sven. Vetenskapsakad. Handl., 24, 1 (1898)
Kiran B, Kaushik A, Kaushik CP, J. Hazard. Mater., 141(3), 6662 (2006)
Sharma A, Bhattacharya G, J. Hazard. Mater., B125, 102 (2005)
Erdem M, Altundogan HS, Taumen F, Miner. Eng., 17, 1045 (2004)
Sabah E, Turan M, Celik MS, Sep. Sci. Technol., 37, 3081 (2005)
Kara M, Yuzer H, Sabah E, Celik MS, Water Res., 37, 224 (2003)
Karthikeyan T, Rajgopal S, Miranda LR, J. Hazard. Mater., 124(1-3), 192 (2005)
Baral SS, Das SD, Rath P, Biochem. Eng. J., 34, 69 (2007)
Rao KS, Anand S, Venkateswarlu P, Korean J. Chem. Eng., 27(5), 1547 (2010)
Web site of Central Pollution Control Board:
Oliveira EA, Montanher SF, Andrade AD, Nobrega JA, Rollemberg MC, Process Biochem., 40, 3485 (2005)
Baran A, BIcak E, Baysal SH, Onal S, Bioresour. Technol., 98, 661 (2006)
Barrera H, Urena-Nunez F, Bilyeu B, Barrera-Diaz C, J. Hazard. Mater., B136, 846 (2006)
Ilhan S, Nurbas M, Nourbakhsh S, Kilicarslan, Ozdag H, Turkish Electron. J. Biotechnol., 2, 50 (2004)
Sawalha MF, Gardea-Torredey JL, Parsons JG, Saupe G, Peralta-Videa JR, Microchem. J., 81, 122 (2005)
Ozdemir G, Ceyhan N, Ozturk T, Akirmak F, Cosar T, Chem. Eng. J., 102(3), 249 (2004)
Suksabye P, Thiravetyan P, Nakbanpote W, Chayabutra S, J. Hazard. Mater., 141(3), 637 (2007)
Acar FN, Malkoc E, Bioresour. Technol., 94(1), 13 (2004)
Donmez G, Aksu Z, Process Biochem., 38, 751 (2002)
Gupta S, Babu BV,, Adsorption of chromium (VI) by a lowcost adsorbent prepared from tamarind seeds, Paper presented at CHEMCON-2006, India.
Loukidou MX, Zouboulis AI, Karapantsios TD, Matis KA, Colloids and Surfaces, A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects., 242, 93 (2004)
Rohinikumar P, Venkateswara Rao M, Chittibabu N, Ravikumar PV, Venkateswarlu P, Ind. J. Chem. Technol.., 16, 308 (2009)
Garg VK, Gupta R, Kumar R, Gupta RK, Bioresour. Technol., 92(1), 79 (2004)
Sarin V, Pant KK, Bioresour. Technol., 97, 5 (2006)
Malkoc E, Nuhoglu Y, Dundar M, J. Hazard. Mater., B138, 142 (2006)
Barala SS, Das SN, Rath P, Choudary GR, Biochem. Eng. J., 34, 69 (2007)
Tunali S, Kiran I, Akar T, Miner. Eng., 18, 681 (2005)
Bhattacharya KG, Sharma A, J. Hazard. Mater., B113, 97 (2004)
Xing G, Zhang S, Ju B, Yang J, Carbohydr. Polym., 66, 246 (2006)
Lazaridis NK, Charalambous C, Water Res., 39, 4385 (2005)
Freundlich H, Z. Phys. Chem., 57, 387 (1906)
Langmuir L, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 40, 1361 (1918)
Redlich O, Peterson DL, J. Phys. Chem., 63, 1024 (1959)
Lagergren S, K. Sven. Vetenskapsakad. Handl., 24, 1 (1898)
Kiran B, Kaushik A, Kaushik CP, J. Hazard. Mater., 141(3), 6662 (2006)
Sharma A, Bhattacharya G, J. Hazard. Mater., B125, 102 (2005)
Erdem M, Altundogan HS, Taumen F, Miner. Eng., 17, 1045 (2004)
Sabah E, Turan M, Celik MS, Sep. Sci. Technol., 37, 3081 (2005)
Kara M, Yuzer H, Sabah E, Celik MS, Water Res., 37, 224 (2003)
Karthikeyan T, Rajgopal S, Miranda LR, J. Hazard. Mater., 124(1-3), 192 (2005)
Baral SS, Das SD, Rath P, Biochem. Eng. J., 34, 69 (2007)