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Received June 28, 2011
Accepted August 27, 2011
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Development of non-precious oxygen reduction reaction catalyst for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells based on substituted cobalt porphyrins

Center for Fuel Cell Research, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, 39-1, Hawolgok-dong,P. O. Box 131, Cheongryang, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-791, Korea
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, May 2012, 29(5), 621-626(6), 10.1007/s11814-011-0225-z
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Active and stable cobalt-based non-precious metal catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in PEM fuel cells were developed through high-temperature pyrolysis of metal-porphyrins supported on carbon. The roles of substituted porphyrins, carbon support, and catalyst loading on ORR activity were studied using rotating disc electrode (RDE) measurements. It was observed that the carbon support plays a major role in improving the catalytic activity. The results showed that among the supported catalysts, the homemade mesocarbon-supported cobalt-porphyrin catalyst with 20 wt% loading displayed higher ORR activity; the cell performance showed maximum current density of 1.1 A cm.2 at 0.13 V in H2/O2 fuel cells.


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