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Received March 12, 2013
Accepted September 3, 2013
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An electrostatic sensor for the continuous monitoring of particulate air pollution

Research Unit of Electrostatic Applications in Energy and Environment, College of Integrated Science and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, Chiang Mai 50220, Thailand 1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, December 2013, 30(12), 2205-2212(8), 10.1007/s11814-013-0168-7
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We developed and evaluated a particulate air pollution sensor for continuous monitoring of size resolved particle number, based on unipolar corona charging and electrostatic detection of charged aerosol particles. The sensor was evaluated experimentally using combustion aerosol with particle sizes in the range between approximately 50 nm and several microns, and particle number concentrations larger than 1010 particles/m3. Test results were very promising. It was demonstrated that the sensor can be used in detecting particle number concentrations in the range of about 2.02×1011 and 1.03×1012 particles/m3 with a response of approximately 100 ms. Good agreement was found between the developed sensor and a commercially available laser particle counter in measuring ambient PM along a roadside with heavy traffic for about 2 h. The developed sensor proved particularly useful for measuring and detecting particulate air pollution, for number concentration of particles in the range of 108 to 1012 particles/m3.


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