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Received April 23, 2012
Accepted November 11, 2012
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Structural properties of water around uncharged and charged carbon nanotubes
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran 1Department of Chemical Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, March 2013, 30(3), 693-699(7), 10.1007/s11814-012-0198-6
Studying the structural properties of water molecules around the carbon nanotubes is very important in a wide variety of carbon nanotubes applications. We studied the number of hydrogen bonds, oxygen and hydrogen density distributions, and water orientation around carbon nanotubes. The water density distribution for all carbon nanotubes was observed to have the same feature. In water-carbon nanotubes interface, a high-density region of water molecules_x000D_
exists around carbon nanotubes. The results reveal that the water orientation around carbon nanotubes is roughly dependent on carbon nanotubes surface charge. The water molecules in close distances to carbon nanotubes were found to make an HOH plane nearly perpendicular to the water-carbon nanotubes interface for carbon nanotubes with negative surface charge. For uncharged carbon nanotubes and carbon nanotubes with positive surface charge, the HOH plane_x000D_
was in tangential orientation with water-carbon nanotubes interface. There was also a significant reduction in hydrogen bond of water region around carbon nanotubes as compared with hydrogen bond in bulk water. This reduction was very obvious for carbon nanotubes with positive surface charge. In addition, the calculation of dynamic properties of water molecules in water-CNT interface revealed that there is a direct relation between the number of Hbonds and selfdiffusion coefficient of water molecules.
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