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Received December 31, 2012
Accepted May 25, 2013
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Sulfur removal of gas oil using ultrasound-assisted catalytic oxidative process and study of its optimum conditions
Zahra Shayegan
Mohammad Razzaghi
Aligholi Niaei†
Dariush Salari1
Mohammad Taghi Shervani Tabar2
Arash Noshad Akbari3
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran 1Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran 2Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanic Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran 3Tabriz Oil Refinery Laboratory, Tabriz, Iran
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, September 2013, 30(9), 1751-1759(9), 10.1007/s11814-013-0097-5
Ultrasound-assisted oxidative desulfurization process (UAOD) was applied to reduce sulfur compounds of gas oil containing various types of sulfur content. The environmental regulation requires a very deep desulfurization to eliminate the sulfur compounds. UAOD is a promising technology with lower operating cost and higher safety and environmental protection. For the first time the typical phase transfer agent (tetraoctyl-ammonium-bromide) was replaced with isobutanol because using isobutanol is much more economical than TOAB, imposing no contamination. The reaction was carried out at optimal point with various temperatures, in single-, two- and three step-procedures, investigating the effect of gradual increase of H2O2 and TOAB being used instead of isobutanol. Total sulfur concentration in oil phase was analyzed by ASTM-D3120 method. The highest removal of about 90% for gas oil containing 9,500 mg/kg of sulfur was achieved in three-steps during 17 minutes of process at 62±2 ℃ when 180.3 mmol of H2O2 was used and extraction carried out by methanol.
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Ukkirapandian V, Sadasivam V, Sivasankar B, Petroleum Science and Technology., 26, 423 (2008)
Yazu K, Yamamoto Y, Furuya T, Miki K, Ukegawa K, Energy Fuels, 15(6), 1535 (2001)
Babich IV, Moulijn JA, Fuel, 82(6), 607 (2003)
ZANNIKOS F, LOIS E, STOURNAS S, Fuel Process. Technol., 42(1), 35 (1995)
Ali MF, Al-Malki A, El-Ali B, Martinie G, Siddiqui MN, Fuel, 85(10-11), 1354 (2006)
Deshpande A, Bassi A, Prakash A, Energy Fuels., 19, 28 (2004)
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Attar A, Corcoran WH, Ind. Eng. Chem. Product Res. Development., 17, 102 (1978)
Farag H, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 348, 219 (1996)
Gui JZ, Liu D, Sun ZL, Liu DS, Min D, Song B, Peng XL, J. Mol. Catal. A-Chem., 331(1-2), 64 (2010)
Hoffmann MR, Hua I, Hochemer R, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry., 3, S163 (1996)
Houalla M, Broderick DH, Sapre AV, Nag NK, de Beer VHJ, Gates BC, Kwart H, J. Catal., 61, 523 (1980)
Ma XL, Sakanishi K, Isoda T, Mochida I, Energy Fuels, 9(1), 33 (1995)
Ma XL, Sakanishi K, Mochida I, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 35(8), 2487 (1996)
van Looij F, van der Laan P, Stork WHJ, DiCamillo DJ, Swain J, Appl. Catal. A: Gen., 170(1), 1 (1998)
Vradman L, Landau MV, Herskowitz M, Catal. Today, 48(1-4), 41 (1999)
Ito E, van Veen JAR, Catal. Today, 116(4), 446 (2006)
Otsuki S, Nonaka T, Takashima N, Qian WH, Ishihara A, Imai T, Kabe T, Energy Fuels, 14(6), 1232 (2000)
Breysse M, Djega-Mariadassou G, Pessayre S, Geantet C, Vrinat M, Perot G, Lemaire M, Catal. Today, 84(3-4), 129 (2003)
De Filippis P, Scarsella M, Energy Fuels, 17(6), 1452 (2003)
Ramirez-Verduzco LF, Murrieta-Guevara F, Garcia-Gutierrez JL, Martin-Castanon RS, Martinez-Guerrero MDC, Montiel-Pacheco MDC, Mata-Diaz R, Petroleum Science and Technology., 22, 129 (2004)
Shah YT, Pandit AB, Moholkar VS, Cavitation reaction engineering, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers (1999)
Cravotto G, Cintas P, Angewandte Chemie International Edition., 46, 5476 (2007)
Flint EB, Suslick KS, Science., 253, 1397 (1991)
Gopinath R, Dalai AK, Adjaye J, Energy Fuels., 20, 271 (2005)
Mason TJ, Lorimer JP, Applied sonochemistry: The uses of power ultrasound in chemistry and processing, Wiley-VCH (2002)
Suslick KS, Science., 247, 1439 (1990)
Suslick KS, Didenko Y, Fang MM, Hyeon T, Kolbeck KJ, McNamara WB, Mdleleni MM, Wong M, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences., 357, 335 (1999)
Chen TC, Shen YH, Lee WJ, Lin CC, Wan MW, J.Cleaner Production., 18, 1850 (2010)
Dai YC, Qi YT, Zhao DZ, Zhang HC, Fuel Process. Technol., 89(10), 927 (2008)
Sutkar VS, Gogate PR, Chem. Eng. J., 155(1-2), 26 (2009)
Wan MW, Yen TF, Appl. Catal. A: Gen., 319, 237 (2007)
Song C, Chemistry of diesel fuels, Taylor & Francis (2000)
Dai Y, Zhao D, Qi Y, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry., 18, 264 (2011)
Dehkordi AM, Sobati MA, Nazem MA, Chin. J. Chem. Eng., 17(5), 869 (2009)
Duarte FA, Mello PD, Bizzi CA, Nunes MAG, Moreira EM, Alencar MS, Motta HN, Dressler VL, Flores EMM, Fuel, 90(6), 2158 (2011)
Mello PDA, Duarte FDA, Nunes MAG, Alencar MS, Moreira EM, Korn M, Dressler VL, Flores RMM, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry., 16, 732 (2009)
Farag H, Energy Fuels, 20(5), 1815 (2006)
Rehorek A, Tauber M, Gbitz G, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry., 11, 177 (2004)
Al-Shahrani F, Xiao TC, Llewellyn SA, Barri S, Jiang Z, Shi HH, Martinie G, Green MLH, Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 73(3-4), 311 (2007)
Bier EL, Singh J, Li Z, Comfort SD, Shea PJ, Environ.Toxicol. Chem., 18, 1078 (1999)
Makino K, Mossoba MM, Riesz P, J. Phys. Chem., 87, 1074 (1983)
Petrier C, Lamy MF, Francony A, Benahcene A, David B, Renaudin V, Gondrexon N, J. Phys. Chem., 98(41), 10514 (1994)
Sundstrom DW, Weir BA, Klei HE, Environ. Progress., 8, 6 (1989)
Bortolini O, Di Furia F, Modena G, Seraglia R, J. Organic Chem., 50, 2688 (1985)
Kwon BG, Lee DS, Kang N, Yoon J, Water Res., 33, 2110 (1999)