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Received November 4, 2013
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Supplementary graphical analysis for the multi-density expansion of associating fluids

Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Seoul, Siripdae-gil 13, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 130-743, Korea
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, March 2014, 31(3), 374-380(7), 10.1007/s11814-013-0283-5
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We present a detailed analysis of Wertheim’s multi-density formulation for the thermodynamic properties of associating fluids with a single attraction site. Graphical expressions are explicitly illustrated for the partition function, multi-densities and direct correlation functions, and they are compared with those from the classical singledensity formulation of simple fluids. The steric incompatibility among three monomers greatly simplifies cluster integrals of associating fluids, which allows dimerizing association only. Graphical expressions for the pressure and the Helmholtz energy are derived by using functional derivatives, which provide a theoretical base for TPT and SAFT equations of state.


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