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Received January 20, 2013
Accepted December 18, 2013
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Enhanced anaerobic digestion of livestock waste by ultrasonication: A tool for ammonia removal and solubilization

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, KAIST, 373-1, Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-701, Korea 1Clean Fuel Department, Korea Institute of Energy and Research, 102 Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-343, Korea 2Center for Environmental Technology Research, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, P. O. Box 131, Cheongryang, Seoul 130-650, Korea 3Department of Environmental Engineering, Hanbat National University, San 16-1, Duckmyoung-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-719, Korea
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, April 2014, 31(4), 619-623(5), 10.1007/s11814-013-0284-4
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Ultrasonication was applied to lower the ammonia level in livestock waste to enhance the anaerobic digestion performance. In simulated waste tests, in spite of an identical temperature increase, a higher ammonia removal rate was observed at lower frequency. This could be explained by the existence of athermal effects, accounting for 64% of the total ammonia removal rate. These effects originated from various convections (micro-streaming, micro-convection,_x000D_ shock-waves, and micro-jets), possibly caused by stable bubbles, and this indigenous mixing ability led to a negligible effect of aeration in the ultrasound assisted ammonia stripping process. In actual waste tests, an ammonia removal rate of up to 55% was achieved with a 0.77 h^(-1) mass transfer rate coefficient. After ultrasonication (28 kHz, pH 11, 15 min) of livestock waste, 58% higher CH4 yield was achieved due to the decrease of ammonia concentration (28%) and enhanced solubilization (51%).


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