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Accepted March 9, 2014
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Small/medium nuclear reactors for potential desalination applications : Mini review
Safaa Abdelraouf Ahmed1
Heba Ahmed Hani2
Ghada Ahmed Al Bazedi2†
Mayyada M. H. El-Sayed2 3
Abdelghani M. G. Abulnour2
1Information Systems Department, National Research Center, El-Tahrir St. Dokki, Cairo, Egypt 2Chemical Engineering and Pilot Plant Department, National Research Center, El-Tahrir St. Dokki, Cairo, Egypt 3Chemistry Department, American University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, June 2014, 31(6), 924-929(6), 10.1007/s11814-014-0079-2
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Small/medium nuclear reactors (SMRs) are a promising alternative for powering large scale desalination plants. The modern generations of these systems manifest cost effectiveness and built-in safety features. The compatibility with geological and topological challenges is an added advantage. Moreover, funding opportunities and packages could be easily arranged for small/medium nuclear reactors (SMR). This mini review article provides the latest technical_x000D_
features of SMR nuclear plants with emphasis on pressurized light water reactors (PWR), boiling water reactors (BWR), heavy water reactors (HWR), gas cooled reactors (GCR), and liquid metal fast breeder reactors (LMFBR). Preliminary cost indicators for typical units were investigated as a part of joint effort to develop a cost database for these types of reactors. Security and safety features of small/medium reactors are identified and reviewed. This paper identifies and briefly discusses the various types of small/medium nuclear reactors to provide a preliminary evaluation and consideration of using this type of reactor in potential seawater desalination applications.
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IAEA, Optimization of the coupling of nuclear reactors and desalination systems, IAEA-TECDOC-1444, 1999-2003 Report, Vienna, Austria (2005)
IAEA (2006), Status of innovative small and medium sized reactor designs: Reactors with conventional refuelling schemes, IAEATECDOC-1485, Vienna, Austria (2005)
IAEA, Status of nuclear desalination in IAEA member states, IAEA-TECDOC-1524 (2007)
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Waris A, Sekimoto H, Prog. Nucl. Energy, 37, 241 (2000)
Carelli MD, Petrovic B, Mycoff CW, Economic comparison of different size nuclear reactors, Proceedings International Joint Meeting CanCum, XXV SMSR Annual Meeting, Cosponsored by AMEE (2007)
Cunningham N, Small modular reactors: A possible path forward for nuclear power, American Security Project (2012)
El-Genk MS, Tournier JMP, Prog. Nucl. Energy, 42(3), 283 (2003)
Shentu J, Cao H, Dou Y, Prog. Nucl. Energy, 53, 842 (2011)
Carelli MD, Garrone P, Locatelli G, Mancini M, Mycoff C, Trucco P, Ricotti ME, Prog. Nucl. Energy, 52, 403 (2010)
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Al-Mutaz IS, Desalination, 157(1-3), 259 (2003)
Carellia MD, Conwaya LE, Oriani L, Petrovic B, Lombardib CV, Ricottib ME, Barrosoc ACO, Colladod JM, Cinotti L, Todreasf NE, Grgi D, Moraesh MM, Boroughsi RD, Ninokataj H, Ingersollk DT, Oriolo F, Nucl. Eng. Des., 230, 151 (2004)
Vujic J, Bergmann RM, Skoda R, Mileti M, Small modular reactors: Simpler, safer, cheaper?, Energy, In press 1-8 (2012)
Kadak AC, Ballinger RG, Alvey T, Kang CW, Owen P, Smith A, Wright M, Yao X, A response to the environmental and economic challenge of global warming phase 1 review of options & selection of technology of choice, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Independent Activities Period January (1998)
Nuclear reactor types, The Institution of Electrical Engineers, London (1993)
IAEA, Innovative small and medium sized reactors: Design features, safety approaches and R&D trends, IAEA-TECDOC-1451, VIENA, Austria (2005)
Nuclear power reactors in the world, IAEA-RDS-2/26, May (2006)
IAEA, High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor Fuels and Materials, IAEA-TECDOC-1645, VIENA, Austria (2010)
Mazen Mamoun Y. Abu-Khader, Prog. Nucl. Energy, 51, 225 (2009)
Mears LD, Goodjohn AJ, The status of high-temperature gascooled reactor development and design, IAEA BULLETIN (1989)
IAEA, Liquid Metal Cooled Reactors: Experience in Design and Operation, IAEA-TECDOC-1569, Vienna, Austria (2008)
CNEA update on the CAREM design description in IAEA-TECDOC-1485, CNEA, Argentina (2009)
Zee SK, Design report for SMART reactor system development, KAERI/TR-2846/2007, KAERI, Daejon (2007)
KAERI update on the SMART design description in IAEA-TECDOC-1485, KAERI, Korea (2009)
Westinghouse Electric Company update on the IRIS design description in IAEA-TECDOC-1485, Westinghouse Electric Company, United States (2009)
IAEA, Status of small reactor designs without on-site refuelling, IAEA-TECDOC-1536, Vienna, Austria (2007)
OKBM update on the ABV design descriptions in IAEA-TECDOC-1536, OKBM Afrikantov, the Russian Federation (2009)
OKBM update on the VBER-300 design description in IAEA-TECDOC-1536, OKBM Afrikantov, the Russian Federation (2009)
Babcock & Wilcox Modular Nuclear Energy, B&W mPower Brochure, (2010)
NuScalePower, Overview of NuScale Technology, www. (2008)
Heki H, Nakamru M, Kuroki M, Arai K, Tahara M, Hoshi T, Design Study Status of Compact Containment BWR (Proc. Int. Congress on advances in Nuclear Power plants, Reno, NV, United States, June 4-8, 2006), ICAPP 06, No. 6372 (2006)
IAEA, Heavy water reactors: Status and projected development, IAEA Technical Report Series TRS-407, Vienna, Austria (2002)
BARC update on the AHWR design description in IAEA-TECDOC-1485, BARC, India (2009)
Antony A, Economic Competitiveness of the Indian Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR), BARC, India (2008)
Zhang Z, Wu Z, Wang D, Xu Y, Sun Y, Li F, Dong Y, Nucl. Eng. Des., 239, 1212 (2009)
Shropshire D, Prog. Nucl. Energy, 53, 299 (2011)
Zhang Z, Wu Z, Sun Y, Li F, Nucl. Eng. Des., 236, 485 (2006)
Ball S, Sensitivity studies of modular high-temperature gascooled reactor (MHTGR) postulated accidents, 2nd International Topical Meeting on HTR Technology (HTR-2004), INET, China September (2004)
Shiozawa S, Fujikawa S, Iyoku T, Kunitomi K, Tachibana Y, Nucl. Eng. Des., 233, 11 (2004)
Fujikawa S, Hayashi H, Nakazawa T, Kawasaki K, Iyoku T, Nakagawa S, Sakaba N, J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 41, 1245 (2004)
Wu Z, Lin D, Zhong D, Nucl. Eng. Des., 218, 25 (2002)
IAEA, Status of small and medium sized reactor designs, IAEA Report Supplement to the IAEA Advanced Reactors Information System (ARIS) (2011)
Small Nuclear Power Reactors, World Nuclear Association report, (2010)
Hwang IS, Choi SY, Cho JH, Bae MH, Lim J, PASCARDEMO-a Small Modular Reactor for PEACER Demonstration, KNS Spring (2008)
Hyperion Power Generation, Hyperion Power Module (White Paper), HPG, United States: (2008)
Wilf M, Klinko K, Desalination, 138(1-3), 299 (2001)
Kim YM, Kim SJ, Kim YS, Lee S, Kim IS, Kim JH, Desalination, 238(1-3), 312 (2009)
Campbell RL, Jones AT, Desalination, 182(1-3), 365 (2005)
Semiat R, Water Int., 25(1), 54 (2000)
Carlos Campos, The economics of desalination for various uses, Water Technology Center,
Misra BM, Status and Prospects of Nuclear Desalination, International Desalination Association World Congress, SP05-041 (2011)
Haijun J, Yajun Z, Nuclear seawater desalination plant coupled with 200 MW heating reactor, International Journal of Nuclear Desalination 2008, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (Session 7/No. 1) (2008)
Konishi T, Global water issues and nuclear seawater desalination, World nuclear University Summer Institute, and_nuclear_desalination_(wnu_si2009).pdf.
Chang SH, Kim SH, Choi JY, Nucl. Eng. Des., 260, 104 (2013)
Juhn PE, Kupitz J, Cleveland J, Cho B, Lyon RB, Nucl. Eng. Des., 201, 41 (2000)
Sutharshan B, Mutyala M, Vijuk RP, Mishr A, Design Energy Procedia, 7, 293 (2011)
Locatelli G, Mancini M, Energy Policy, 38(10), 6360 (2010)
Elaskary AM, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 4(4), April (2013)
IAEA, Optimization of the coupling of nuclear reactors and desalination systems, IAEA-TECDOC-1444, 1999-2003 Report, Vienna, Austria (2005)
IAEA (2006), Status of innovative small and medium sized reactor designs: Reactors with conventional refuelling schemes, IAEATECDOC-1485, Vienna, Austria (2005)
IAEA, Status of nuclear desalination in IAEA member states, IAEA-TECDOC-1524 (2007)
OKBM update on the KLT-40S design descriptions in IAEA-TECDOC-1391 and IAEA Nuclear Energy Series Report NP-T-2.2, OKBM Afrikantov, the Russian Federation (2009)
IAEA, Design and Development Status of Small and Medium Reactor Systems 1995, IAEA-TECDOC-881, Vienna, Austria (1995)
IAEA, Energy, Electricity and Nuclear Power for the period up to 2030, Reference Data Series No. 1, Vienna, Austria (2008)
China state power information network, Power Sources-Nuclear Power:
IEA/NEA, Projected Costs of Generating Electricity, 2010 Edition, OECD Publications, Paris, France (2010)
Thakur S, Positive experience with SMRs in India, lessons learned in previous two decades and future plants, NPCIL, India (2007)