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Received December 21, 2013
Accepted March 25, 2014
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Scale up criteria for dual stirred gas-liquid unbaffled tank with concave blade impeller

Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, August 2014, 31(8), 1339-1348(10), 10.1007/s11814-014-0090-7
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Experimental investigation has been done in unbaffled gas-liquid stirred tanks using dual concave blade impeller to analyze the mass transfer, power consumption and gas holdup. Optimal impeller clearance has been suggested for lower and upper impeller based on maximum mass transfer rate. Numerical modeling has been done to analyze the flow pattern for different combinations of impeller clearance. The lower impeller positioned at 0.3 of tank diameter_x000D_ and clearance between lower and upper impeller at 0.4 of tank diameter gave the maximum mass transfer coefficient. Scale-up criteria for mass transfer rate, power and gas holdup have been developed for optimal geometrical similar systems of unbaffled stirred tanks with dual concave impeller.


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