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Received April 13, 2014
Accepted July 26, 2014
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The performance of pelletized Ce-Y and Ni-Y zeolites for removal of thiophene from model gasoline solutions

Chemical Engineering Department, University of Isfahan, P. O. Box 81746-73441, Isfahan, Iran
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, February 2015, 32(2), 328-334(7), 10.1007/s11814-014-0213-1
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H-Y zeolite was prepared with Na-Y zeolite via ion-exchange method. Ni-Y and Ce-Y zeolites were then prepared with H-Y zeolite via solid-state ion-exchange (SSIE) method. The pellet form of the zeolites was employed for removal of thiophene from samples containing 194, 116 and 72 ppmw sulfur in a batch system at ambient condition. The removal of sulfur over the three types of the adsorbents decreased according to the following order: Ce-Y (81.7%) >Ni-Y (75.2%)>Na-Y (51.7%), indicating that the Ce-Y zeolite was the most effective adsorbent for removing of sulfur_x000D_ compounds from gasoline. Adsorption isotherms of thiophene on Ni-Y and Ce-Y zeolites were obtained and correlated with six well-known isotherms. The equilibrium data of thiophene adsorption were well fitted to the isotherms and the corresponding parameters and fitting error criteria of the isotherm equations were obtained.


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