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Received May 19, 2014
Accepted August 19, 2014
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Influence of operating parameters on gas phase photocatalytic oxidation of methyl-ethyl-ketone in a light emitting diode (LED)-fluidized bed reactor
Department of Occupational Health, Health Faculty, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran 1Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Salerno, Fisciano, Italy 2Department of Occupational Health, School of Public health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 3Oil and Gas Processing Center of Excellence, School of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, April 2015, 32(4), 636-642(7), 10.1007/s11814-014-0239-4
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The effect of operating parameters on gas phase photocatalytic oxidation of methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) has been investigated over P25 and PC500 photocatalysts. The parameters were gas flow rate, relative humidity (RH), reaction temperature, and ultraviolet intensity. The photoreactor was composed of two LEDs matrices and a fluidized bed reactor (LED-FBR). No mass transfer limitation phenomena occurred at flow rates in the range 30-70 NL/h. The oxidation of MEK over the two photocatalysts did not highly depend on the presence or absence of humidity in the air_x000D_
stream. Temperature was determined as an important parameter in conversion of MEK over 60 to 120 ℃, influencing also the selectivity to carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. The simultaneous influence of RH and temperature was observed in the reaction at different temperatures and RHs, evidencing the decrease in the selectivity towards CO with increase of RH. With the increase of ultraviolet intensity, the rate of MEK oxidation increased over both catalysts, with the better activity of PC500 than P25 particularly at higher light intensities. The main effect of temperature was both to promote the MEK conversion and to limit the competitive water adsorption in the PCO reaction over the tested titanias.
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Sannino D, Vaiano V, Ciambelli P, Carotenuto G, Di Serio M, Santacesaria E, Catal. Today, 209, 159 (2013)
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Vincent G, Queffeulou A, Marquaire PM, Zahraa O, J. Photochem. Photobiol. A-Chem., 191, 42 (2007)
Dutta PK, Ginwalla A, Hogg B, Patton BR, Chwieroth B, Liang Z, Gouma P, Mills M, Akbar S, J. Phys. Chem. B, 103(21), 4412 (1999)
Hager S, Bauer R, Chemosphere, 38, 1549 (1999)
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Sano T, Negishi N, Takeuchi K, Matsuzawa S, Sol. Energy, 77(5), 543 (2004)
Sanchez B, Cardona AI, Romero M, Avila P, Bahamonde A, Catal. Today, 54(2-3), 369 (1999)
Camera-Roda G, Santarelli F, Martin CA, Sol. Energy, 79(4), 343 (2005)
Palma V, Sannino D, Vaiano V, Ciambelli P, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 49(21), 10279 (2010)
Vorontsov A, Kozlov D, Smirniotis P, Parmon V, Kinet. Catal., 46, 437 (2005)
Wang KH, Hsieh YH, Lin CH, Chang CY, Chemosphere, 39, 1371 (1999)
Jacoby WA, Blake DM, Noble RD, Koval CA, J. Catal., 157(1), 87 (1995)
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Alonso-Tellez A, Robert D, Keller N, Keller V, Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 115, 209 (2012)
Doucet N, Bocquillon F, Zahraa O, Bouchy M, Chemosphere, 65, 1188 (2006)
Kim SB, Hong SC, Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 35(4), 305 (2002)
Obee TN, Brown RT, Environ. Sci. Technol., 29, 1223 (1995)
Obee TN, Environ. Sci. Technol., 30, 3578 (1996)
Hajaghazadeh M, Kakooei H, Dashliborun AM, Gharebagh RS, Golbabaie F, Foroushani AR, Afshar S, Fresenius Environ. Bull., 22, 1719 (2013)
Dashliborun AM, Sotudeh-Gharebagh R, Hajaghazadeh M, Kakooei H, Afshar S, Chem. Eng. J., 226, 59 (2013)
Murcia JJ, Hidalgo MC, Navio JA, Vaiano V, Sannino D, Ciambelli P, Catal. Today, 209, 164 (2013)
Sannino D, Vaiano V, Sarno G, Ciambelli P, Chem. Eng. Transactions, 32, 355 (2013)
Hajaghazadeh M, Vaiano V, Sannino D, Kakooei H, Sotudeh-Gharebagh R, Ciambelli P, Catal. Today, 230, 79 (2014)
Vaiano V, Sacco O, Sannino D, Ciambelli P, Chem. Eng. J., 261, 3 (2015)
Rizzo L, Sannino D, Vaiano V, Sacco O, Scarpa A, Pietrogiacomi D, Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 144, 369 (2014)
Vaiano V, Sacco O, Stoller M, Chianese A, Ciambelli P, Sannino D, Int. J. Chem. React. Eng., 12(1), 1 (2014)
Sannino D, Vaiano V, Ciambelli P, Catal. Today, 205, 159 (2013)
Augugliaro V, Bellardita M, Loddo V, Palmisano G, Palmisano L, Yurdakal S, J. Photochem. Photobiol. C, 13, 224 (2012)
Palmisano G, Lopez EG, Marci G, Loddo V, Yurdakal S, Augugliaro V, Palmisano L, Chem. Commun., 46, 7074 (2010)
Vaiano V, Sacco O, Sannino D, Ciambelli P, Longo S, Venditto V, Guerra G, J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., 89(8), 1175 (2014)
Vaiano V, Iervolino G, Sannino D, Rizzo L, Sarno G, Farina A, Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 160-161, 247 (2014)
Kitano M, Matsuoka M, Ueshima M, Anpo M, Appl. Catal. A: Gen., 325(1), 1 (2007)
Gaya UI, Abdullah AH, J. Photochem. Photobiol. C, 9, 1 (2008)
Jo WK, Tayade RJ, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 53(6), 2073 (2014)
Tayade RJ, Natarajan TS, Bajaj HC, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 48(23), 10262 (2009)
Natarajan TS, Thomas M, Natarajan K, Bajaj HC, Tayade RJ, Chem. Eng. J., 169(1-3), 126 (2011)
Natarajan TS, Natarajan K, Bajaj HC, Tayade RJ, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 50(13), 7753 (2011)
Wang Z, Liu J, Dai Y, Dong W, Zhang S, Chen J, J. Hazard. Mater., 215-216, 25 (2012)
Sannino D, Vaiano V, Ciambelli P, Eloy P, Gaigneaux EM, Appl. Catal. A: Gen., 394(1-2), 71 (2011)
Mo J, Zhang Y, Xu Q, Lamson JJ, Zhao R, Atmos. Environ., 43, 2229 (2009)
Zhao J, Yang X, Build. Sci., 38, 645 (2003)
Sannino D, Vaiano V, Ciambelli P, Curr. Org. Chem., 17, 2420 (2013)
Sannino D, Vaiano V, Ciambelli P, Res. Chem. Intermed., 39, 4145 (2013)
Sannino D, Vaiano V, Ciambelli P, Carotenuto G, Di Serio M, Santacesaria E, Catal. Today, 209, 159 (2013)
Sannino D, Vaiano V, Ciambelli P, Murcia JJ, Hidalgo MC, Navio JA, J. Adv. Oxid. Technol., 16, 71 (2013)
Jafari R, Sotudeh-Gharebagh R, Mostoufi N, Chem. Eng. Technol., 27(2), 123 (2004)
Lim TH, Kim SD, Chemosphere, 54, 305 (2004)
Martin ST, Herrmann H, Choi W, Hoffmann MR, J. Chem. Soc.-Faraday Trans., 90, 3315 (1994)
Raillard C, Hequet V, Le Cloirec P, Legrand J, Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 59(3-4), 213 (2005)
Vincent G, Queffeulou A, Marquaire PM, Zahraa O, J. Photochem. Photobiol. A-Chem., 191, 42 (2007)
Dutta PK, Ginwalla A, Hogg B, Patton BR, Chwieroth B, Liang Z, Gouma P, Mills M, Akbar S, J. Phys. Chem. B, 103(21), 4412 (1999)
Hager S, Bauer R, Chemosphere, 38, 1549 (1999)
Yu H, Zhang K, Rossi C, Indoor Built Environ, 16, 529 (2007)
Sano T, Negishi N, Takeuchi K, Matsuzawa S, Sol. Energy, 77(5), 543 (2004)
Sanchez B, Cardona AI, Romero M, Avila P, Bahamonde A, Catal. Today, 54(2-3), 369 (1999)
Camera-Roda G, Santarelli F, Martin CA, Sol. Energy, 79(4), 343 (2005)
Palma V, Sannino D, Vaiano V, Ciambelli P, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 49(21), 10279 (2010)
Vorontsov A, Kozlov D, Smirniotis P, Parmon V, Kinet. Catal., 46, 437 (2005)
Wang KH, Hsieh YH, Lin CH, Chang CY, Chemosphere, 39, 1371 (1999)
Jacoby WA, Blake DM, Noble RD, Koval CA, J. Catal., 157(1), 87 (1995)
Wang W, Chiang LW, Ku Y, J. Hazard. Mater., 101(2), 133 (2003)
Alonso-Tellez A, Robert D, Keller N, Keller V, Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 115, 209 (2012)
Doucet N, Bocquillon F, Zahraa O, Bouchy M, Chemosphere, 65, 1188 (2006)
Kim SB, Hong SC, Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 35(4), 305 (2002)
Obee TN, Brown RT, Environ. Sci. Technol., 29, 1223 (1995)
Obee TN, Environ. Sci. Technol., 30, 3578 (1996)