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Received August 19, 2014
Accepted October 5, 2014
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A novel desulfurization practice based on diesel acidification prior to activated carbon adsorption
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, Qatar University, State of Qatar 1Department of Chemistry, Hashemite University,, Zarqa, Jordan
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, April 2015, 32(4), 685-693(9), 10.1007/s11814-014-0303-0
Commercial diesel is often rich with organosulfur compounds and a value of 7,100 mgS/kg was recently reported. As confirmed by chromatographic analysis, about 36% of sulfur compounds are originated from dibenzothiophene. Following uncommon desulfurization method, organosulfur compounds were efficiently removed upon diesel acidification by organic acids prior to activated carbon adsorption. Protonation of S-containing compounds has enhanced their uptake by activated carbon. Competitive adsorption of di/tri/tetra-aromatics and dibenzothiophene from_x000D_
synthetic fuel proved that the later solute was preferentially removed against other aromatics upon fuel acidification. Results showed that 48% of organosulfur compounds were eliminated upon adding acetic acid to a final content of 3% by vol.. Principal component analysis indicated that acid content and carbon mass are the most significant factors on organosulfur compounds removal: %Removal=5.8 (Acid Content)+6.3 (Mass)-0.02 (PD)-0.90 (Temp). The practical_x000D_
efficiency of the proposed method was demonstrated by removing organosulfur compounds from commercial diesel.
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Muzic M, Sertic-Bionda K, Gomzi Z, Podolski S, Telen S, Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 88(4A), 487 (2010)
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Bu J, Loh G, Gwie CG, Dewiyanti S, Tasrif M, Borgna A, Chem. Eng. J., 166(1), 207 (2011)
Ania CO, Bandosz TJ, Carbon, 44, 2404 (2006)
ASTM D2622 - 08 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products by Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry. Volume 15.01.
Jordanian Institution for Standard and Metrology (JS 195/2004). Petroleum and Petroleum Products - Automotive fuels - Diesel oil (2004). (2004)
Jiang M, Flora TN, Ataur R, Viral P, Therm. Chem. Acta, 434, 27 (2005)
Yang Y, Lu H, Ying P, Jiang Z, Li C, Carbon, 45, 3042 (2007)
E-Sheikh AH, Al-Degs YS, Al-As'ad RM, Sweileh JA, Desalination, 270(1-3), 214 (2011)
Issa AA, Al-Degs YS, Al-Ghouti MA, Olimat AAM, Chem. Eng. J., 240, 554 (2014)
El-Barghouthi MI, El-Sheikh AH, Al-Degs YS, Walker GM, Sep. Sci. Technol., 42(10), 2195 (2007)
Al-Degs YS, El-Sheikh AH, Issa AA, Al-Ghouti MA, Sunjuk M, Water Sci. Technol., 66, 1647 (2012)
Yu C, Qiu J, Sun Y, Li X, Chen G, Zhao Z, J. Porous Mat., 15, 151 (2008)
Brereton RG, Chemometrics: Data Analysis for the Laboratory and Chemical Plant, Wiley (2003). (2003)
Dhoble R, Lunge S, Bhole A, Rayalu S, Water Res., 45, 4769 (2011)
Namasivayam C, Kavitha D, Dyes Pigment., 54, 47 (2002)
Faust S, Aly O, Adsorption processes for water treatment, Butterworth Publishers, USA (1987). (1987)
Fazal MA, Haseeb AS, Masjuki HH, Energy Conv. Manag., 67, 251 (2012)
UNE EN-590, Automotive fuels-diesel-requirements and test methods (2004). (2004)
ASTM D 975-06, Standard specification for diesel fuel oils.