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Received March 24, 2014
Accepted October 9, 2014
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Efficient removal of crystal violet and eosin B from aqueous solution using Syzygium cumini leaves: A comparative study of acidic and basic dyes on a single adsorbent

Department of Chemistry, GC University Lahore, Lahore 54000, Pakistan 1Department of Chemistry, The Government Sadiq College Women University Bahawalpur, Pakistan
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, May 2015, 32(5), 882-895(14), 10.1007/s11814-014-0308-8
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The adsorption capabilities of Syzygium cumini leaves were investigated for crystal violet and eosin B using batch adsorption method. Removal conditions were optimized by varying operational parameters like pH, dose of adsorbent, contact time and temperature. Presence of salts had a profound effect on the adsorption and the experimental data for both adsorbates, providing good correlation with the Temkin, Langmuir and Freundlich patterns, but differing_x000D_ from Dubinin-Radushkevich model. Maximum adsorption capacity was found to be 38.75 mg/g for crystal violet and 16.28mg/g for eosin B respectively. Boyd-Adamson-Myers, Morris-Weber and Bangham’s surface mass transport models revealed that film diffusion was the rate controlling process and followed pseudo-second order kinetics. Activation energy was estimated to be 57.265 and 6.721 kJ/mol for crystal violet and eosin B respectively. Adsorption of crystal_x000D_ violet is endothermic and that of Eosin B is exothermic but both were spontaneous at all emperatures. To study the bulk removal of the dyes, column operations were made. The exhausted columns were regenerated by eluting HCl solution and almost 91.94% of CV and 58.08% of EB were recovered from columns, respectively.


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