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Received June 16, 2014
Accepted December 20, 2014
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Photocatalytic degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol over Fe-ZnO catalyst under visible light

1International Program in Hazardous Substance and Environmental Management, Graduate School, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand 2Center of Excellence on Hazardous Substance Management (HSM), Bangkok 10330, Thailand 3National Nanotechnology Center, Thailand Science Park, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand 4Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Thammasat University, Pathumthani 12121, Thailand
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, August 2015, 32(8), 1578-1585(8), 10.1007/s11814-014-0379-6
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Fe-ZnO was synthesized via impregnation and applied to photocatalytic degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) under visible light. Conditions of Fe-ZnO synthesis which included a Fe content and a calcination temperature were focused. From UV-DRS, visible light absorption of Fe-ZnO samples increased with increasing of Fe content and calcination temperature. TEM images revealed Fe species (FeO, Fe3O4, and Fe2O3) on ZnO as a function of calcination temperature. XANES analysis confirmed the majority of Fe3+ content. Response surface methodology (RSM) dominating over experimental design and statistical analysis for 2,4-DCP photocatalytic degradation indicated that the high degradation efficiency was associated with calcination temperature of 680-700 oC, Fe content of 4.5-5.0mol%, and catalyst loading of 1.2-1.8 g L.1. Moreover, addition of 2mM of K2S2O8 in a 5.0Fe-ZnO@700 oC system could enhance the degradation efficiency to a completion within 90 min. The kinetics of 2,4-DCP photocatalytic degradation well fit the Langmuir-Hinshelwood model.


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