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Received January 8, 2016
Accepted May 8, 2016
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Production of bio-epoxide and bio-adhesive from non-edible oil

Department of Chemical Engineering, BITS Pilani - Hyderabad Campus, Jawahar Nagar, Hyderabad - 500078, India
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, October 2016, 33(10), 2915-2922(8), 10.1007/s11814-016-0136-0
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Epoxidation of Nahor oil was performed by H2O2 in the presence of acid catalyst at 50 ℃. It was possible to obtain around 70% epoxide yield within 8 hrs of reaction. Amberlite IR 120H showed better epoxide yield compared to H2SO4 and Dowex 50 WX8. The performance of carboxylic acids was found to be in the order of formic acid>acetic acid>propanoic acid. The curing of epoxidized nahor oil involved using ethylenediamine (EDA) and diethylenetriamine (DETA). The adhesive property of the cured resins was tested and compared with commercially available glue. The force required to detach the cardboard joint was about 36.3 N for DETA-cured resin.


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