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Received December 1, 2015
Accepted June 24, 2016
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Efficient removal of methylene blue in aqueous solution by freeze-dried calcium alginate beads

School of Chemical Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, P. R. China 1Henan Institute of Engineering, Zhengzhou 451191, P. R. China
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, November 2016, 33(11), 3141-3148(8), 10.1007/s11814-016-0177-4
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Novel porous calcium alginate beads were prepared via crosslinking of calcium followed by freeze drying for investigating the adsorption performance for methylene blue. These beads possessed reduced shrinkage, highly porous lamellar structure and high specific surface area, and exhibited enhanced adsorption capacity and much faster adsorption rate compared to the non-porous beads obtained with conventional oven drying method. Methylene blue adsorption capacity increased with increasing of initial concentration and pH, while decreased with increasing of temperature. The adsorption process fitted well with the pseudo-second-order kinetic model and the Langmuir isotherm. The maximum adsorption capacity was 961.5mg g-1 at 298.15 K. After eight successive adsorption-desorption cycles, the adsorption capacity had negligible decrease. Owing to the high adsorption capability, rapid adsorption rate, easy recovery and reusability, the freeze-dried beads imply a prospective, biodegradable and attractive adsorbent for removing contaminants from wastewater.


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