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Received September 28, 2015
Accepted February 11, 2016
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Detection of gas-solid flow faults of a circulating fluidized bed using pressure fluctuations in wind caps

Institute of Energy Engineering, Qingdao University, Qingdao 266071, China 1Key Laboratory of Condition Monitoring and Control for Power Plant Equipment of Ministry of Education, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003, Hebei Province, China 2Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education, Tsinghua University, Haidian District, Beijing 100084, China 3College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, China
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, July 2016, 33(7), 2240-2251(12), 10.1007/s11814-016-0046-1
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Wind cap partial blockages and agglomeration are two of the most common gas-solid flow faults that occur under the actual operations of circulating fluidized bed boilers. Using the method of measuring pressure fluctuations, for the characterization of fluid dynamics in fluidized beds, has a great advantage, due to its flexible adaptation to any operating conditions to monitor fluidization. This paper presents research into the use of measuring and analyzing pressure fluctuations in wind caps, for the analysis of the gas-solid fluidization characteristics in a fluidized bed with wind cap partial blockages or agglomeration fault. Partial blockages in a wind cap near feeding side and partial blockages in another wind cap near recycling side as well as agglomeration of different extents were simulated in a cold circulating fluidized bed. Pressure fluctuations in the inlets of several wind caps were measured at different primary air velocities under different fault conditions. They were then analyzed with the methods of statistical average, standard deviation, wavelet analysis and homogeneous index. Based on the calculated characteristic parameters, the effects of gas-solid flow faults on the gas-solid fluidization characteristics were analyzed. Results showed that variations of characteristic parameters of pressure fluctuations were related to variations of the gas-solid flow condition, which were caused by wind cap partial blockages or agglomerations. It is shown that the proposed method is practical.

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