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Influence of process conditions on product yield of waste tyre pyrolysis- A review

Clean Energy Conversion Process Laboratory (CECP), Department of Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University, Wonju, Gangwon-do 26493, Korea
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, August 2016, 33(8), 2268-2286(19), 10.1007/s11814-016-0126-2
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Waste tyres have become a grave concern as their accumulation is aggregating every year. Not only the size of waste tyre has to be reduced, but also some useful energy has to be recovered out of it as the world badly requires energy from alternate sources. Pyrolysis is one such method to extract energy potential products from waste tyres. It is extensively used to generate carbon black (solid product), tyre-oil (liquid product) and syngas (gas product) from waste tyres. In that connection, this article discusses the effect of various parameters on the product composition of pyrolysis of waste tyres. The current usage of pyrolysis products and their typical characteristics are also discussed in this critique. Of late, extraction of high value added products, such as activated carbon from carbon black, and limonene from tyre-oil is gaining attention. The article also throws some light on the application and generation routes of activated carbon and limonene from waste tyres.


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