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Received December 15, 2016
Accepted July 2, 2017
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Energy management in multi stage evaporator through a steady and dynamic state analysis

Department of Polymer and Process Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, October 2017, 34(10), 2570-2583(14), 10.1007/s11814-017-0180-4
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Increasing energy demand, high cost of energy and global warming issues across the globe require energyintensive industries, such as paper mills to improve energy efficiency. Multi-stage evaporators used to concentrate the black liquor in such mills form its most energy consuming unit and require a strong understanding of steady and unsteady state behavior to ensure energy savings. The modeling of nonlinear heptads’ effect system yielded a set of complex nonlinear algebraic and differential equations that are analyzed using Interior-point method and state space representation. Dynamic response of product concentration and system vapor temperatures along with system stability and controllability have been explored by disturbing the flow rate, concentration and temperature of feed, and fresh steam flow rate. Simulations predict that steam flow rate, feed flow rate and its concentration invariably are major controlling factors (in decreasing order) of vapor temperature and product concentration. The interactive behavior between different effects translates into slower responses of the effects with increasing separation from disturbance source. This steady state and transient study opens many new explanations to this relatively less explored area and helps to propose and implement industrial PID controllers to reduce steam consumption and control product quality.


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