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Received May 23, 2017
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Plasmon-enhanced ZnO nanorod/Au NPs/Cu2O structure solar cells: Effects and limitations

Department of Energy Systems Research and Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Ajou University, Suwon 16499, Korea 1Division of Materials Science & Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul 04763, Korea
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, December 2017, 34(12), 3200-3207(8), 10.1007/s11814-017-0222-y
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Cu-based compounds can be a good candidate for a low cost solar cell material. In particular, CuxO (x : 1- 2) has a good visible light absorbing bandgap at 1-2 eV. As for using nanostructures in solar cell applications, metal nanoparticle-induced localized plasmon resonance is a promising way to increase light absorbance, which can help improve the efficiency of solar cells. We fabricated ZnO nanorod/Au nanoparticles/Cu2O nanostructures to study their solar cell performance. ZnO nanorods and Cu2O layer were synthesized by the electrodeposition method. Size-controlled Au nanoparticles were deposited using E-beam evaporator for localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) effect. By inserting Au plasmon nanoparticles and annealing Au NPs in solar cells, we could tune the maximum incident photon-to-current efficiency wavelength. However, the potential well formed by Au NP at the ZnO/Cu2O junction leads to charge-trapping, based on the constructed electronic band analysis. LSPR-induced hot carrier generation is proposed to promote carrier transport further in the presence of Au NPs.


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