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Received July 22, 2016
Accepted November 10, 2016
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A new approach for modeling of multicomponent gas hydrate formation

Gas Engineering Department, Petroleum University of Technology, Iran 1Chemical Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, March 2017, 34(3), 706-716(11), 10.1007/s11814-016-0318-9
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Several models have been proposed to investigate the kinetics of gas hydrate formation. The main differences between the proposed models are the definition of the driving force, thermodynamics approach and the number of resistances to study the gas consumption by the hydrate phase. This paper concentrates on gas hydrate formation from multicomponent mixture, which has not been much studied before. In the present research, chemical potential has been considered as the driving force and, consequently, a new resistance coefficient was introduced. A complete discussion and reasonable assumptions has been provided to support this modelling.


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