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Received June 5, 2017
Accepted September 18, 2017
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Zeaxanthin production by Paracoccus zeaxanthinifaciens ATCC 21588 in a lab-scale bubble column reactor: Artificial intelligence modelling for determination of optimal operational parameters and energy requirements
Food Engineering & Technology Department, Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga, Mumbai 400 019, India
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, January 2018, 35(1), 195-203(9), 10.1007/s11814-017-0253-4
The operational optimization of zeaxanthin production by Paracoccus zeaxanthinifaciens ATCC 21588 in a bubble column reactor was performed by coupling genetic algorithm (GA) to an artificial neural network (ANN) model developed using experimental one-variable-at-a-time (OVAT) results. The effects of varying air flow rate (2- 5 vvm) and inoculum size (4 and 8%) for different incubation time (30-80 h) were evaluated. Volumetric power input (P/VL) and energy input (E) to the bubble column were then correlated with the ANN-GA optimized conditions. A maximum zeaxanthin production of 13.76±0.14mg/L was observed at 4 vvm using an inoculum size of 4% (v/v) after 60h of incubation in OVAT experiments with corresponding P/VL value of 231.57 W/m3 reflecting an energy consumption of 50.02 kJ during the fermentation period. The ANN based GA optimization predicted a maximum zeaxanthin production of 14.79mg/L at 3.507 vvm, 4% inoculum size and 55.83 h against the experimental production of 15.09±0.51mg/L corresponding to a P/VL value of 202.03 W/m3 reflecting to a significantly reduced energy input (40.01 kJ). The proposed OVAT based ANN-GA optimization approach can be used to simulate similar studies involving microbial fermentation in bioreactors.
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Cheng YT, Yang CF, J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. Eng., 61, 270 (2016)
Berry A, Janssens D, Humbelin M, Jore JP, Hoste B, Cleenwerck I, Vancanneyt M, Bretzel W, Mayer AF, Lopez-Ulibarri R, Shanmugam B, Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 53, 231 (2003)
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Hao LM, Xing XH, Li Z, Zhang JC, Sun JX, Jia SR, Qiao CS, Wu TY, Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol., 160(2), 621 (2010)
Dursun D, Dalgıc AC, Biocatal. Agric. Biotechnol., 7, 1 (2016)
Eryılmaz EB, Dursun D, Dalgıc AC, Biocatal. Agric. Biotechnol., 7, 224 (2016)
Pandey KR, Joshi C, Vakil BV, SpringerPlus, 5, 1654 (2016)
Kuo CH, Liu TA, Chen JH, Chang CMJ, Shieh CJ, Biocatal. Agric. Biotechnol., 3, 1 (2014)
Babaei AA, Khataee A, Ahmadpour E, Sheydaei M, Kakavandi B, Alaee Z, Korean J. Chem. Eng., 33(4), 1352 (2016)
Singh D, Kaur G, Bioprocess. Biosyst. Eng., 37, 1599 (2014)
Zafar M, Kumar S, Dhiman AK, Biocatal. Agric. Biotechnol., 1, 70 (2012)
Prabhu AA, Mandal B, Dasu VV, Korean J. Chem. Eng., 34(4), 1109 (2017)
Kundu P, Mishra IM, Desalination Water Treat., 57, 19713 (2016)
Huang SM, Kuo CH, Chen CA, Liu YC, Shieh CJ, Ultrason. Sonochem., 36, 112 (2017)
Ilbay Z, Sahin S, Buyukkabasakal K, Korean J. Chem. Eng., 31(9), 1661 (2014)
Kundu P, Paul V, Kumar V, Mishra IM, Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 104, 773 (2015)
Kundu P, Paul V, Kumar V, Mishra IM, Petrol. Sci. Technol., 34, 350 (2016)
Shokir EMEM, Al-Homadhi ES, Al-Mahdy O, El-Midany AAH, Korean J. Chem. Eng., 31(8), 1496 (2014)
Davoodi P, Ghoreishi SM, Hedayati A, Korean J. Chem. Eng., 34(3), 854 (2017)
Sajilata MG, Bule MV, Chavan P, Singhal RS, Kamat MY, Sep. Purif. Technol., 71(2), 173 (2010)
Joshi C, Singhal RS, Biocatal. Agric. Biotechnol., 8, 228 (2016)
Savic DS, Lazic ML, Veljkovic VB, Vrvic MM, Chem. Ind. Chem. Eng., 11, 59 (2005)
Hirasawa K, Tsubokura A, U.S. Patent, 8,853,460 (2014).
Hirschberg J, Harker M, U.S. Patent, 5,935,808 (1999).
Rosa-Putra S, Hemmerlin A, Epperson J, Bach TJ, Guerra LH, Rohmer M, FEMS Microbiol. Lett., 204, 347 (2001)
Ferreira V, Faber MDO, Mesquita SDS, Pereira N, Electron. J. Biotechnol., 13, 5 (2010)
Clark DS, Blanch HW, Biochemical Engineering, CRC Press (1997).
Bhosale P, Larson AJ, Bernstein PS, J. Appl. Microbiol., 96(3), 623 (2004)
Verwaal R, Jiang Y, Wang J, Daran JM, Sandmann G, van den Berg JA, van Ooyen AJ, Yeast, 27, 983 (2010)
Doshi R, Nguyen T, Chang G, PNAS, 110, 7642 (2013)
Prabhu S, Rekha PD, Young CC, Hameed A, Lin SY, Arun AB, Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol., 171(4), 817 (2013)
Sandhya C, Sumantha A, Szakacs G, Pandey A, Process Biochem., 40(8), 2689 (2005)