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Received October 16, 2017
Accepted June 24, 2018
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Improvement of liquid fuel atomization for an internal engine using an auxiliary device

Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Center for Environmental Studies, Kyung Hee University, Yongin 17104, Korea 1EG Power Tec Co., Ltd., Suwon 16229, Korea
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, October 2018, 35(10), 2001-2009(9), 10.1007/s11814-018-0106-9
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Controlled atomization is essential for reducing soot emission in practical diesel engines. In this work, an auxiliary device called a FAD (fuel activation device) was inserted into the fuel injection line to induce cavitation in the diesel spray. The performance of the FAD was examined in terms of pollutant emissions in a field test as well as aerosol sizes in lab-scale experiments. Experimental results showed that FAD reduced the size distribution of injected droplets and decreased the fuel consumption rate and emission amounts of PM10, CO, and NOx by 42%, 50% and 13.4%, respectively.


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